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Hi, My name is Aakar Sharma, a young developer. I am new here and want to learn and contribute. I had a previous experience in JavaScript, android as well as in IoT. Can anyone tell me how to get started and how to set up the environment to begin contributing?
Your first stop for questions like these should be the Processing homepage: https://processing.org
Download Processing here: https://processing.org/download/
That page also mentions where to get the source: https://github.com/processing/processing
Which also contains build instructions: https://github.com/processing/processing/wiki/Build-Instructions
In the wiki page that Kevin mentioned in the last post, there are other pages that you might find interesting and relevant to your quest. Check them out: https://github.com/processing/processing/wiki
You will definitely want to have experience using Processing before you try to start contributing to it, but if you are interested in ways to contribute, the "help wanted" label on open issues is here:
Also note that the default mode of Processing is Java. If you are more interested in Javascript development, you might want to experiment with the p5.js mode of the Processing IDE, and try contributing to p5.js:
For Processing.py (Python mode) contributing see:
For Processing.R (R mode) contributing, see in particular the "for-new-contributors" issue label: