Request for JSON => [object Object]


I'm running this project where I want to pull JSON data from a file based on time interval. As you can see in the code I've managed with help! to get this to work for the images. Now I want to pull data on the same interval from a JSON file. I get no errors except that the text I get back is [object Object].

I've managed to get lines of data from the JSON file by following Daniel Shiffman online video. But when I try to get the time based data. I every time get the [object Object] in the sketch. The file is in the correct place. I'm pretty sure it's formatted correctly.

Also I aware that the time interval parts of the code are not correct, I still need to look up much on these things. But without that I should still be able to see my JSON data, not?

    let faces = [];                                          //Laden van de afbeeldingen
    let idx = 0;
    let personidx = 0;
                                                //Time based interval var voor de afbeeldingen
    var data;
    var canvas;
    var consolediv;

    const INTER = 1.5 * 1000;                               //timer

    function preload(){                                      //laden van de foto's voor de draw functie

      data = loadJSON('ID_python/id_JP_.json');

      for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                         //aantal foto's in de map van 0-3
        faces[i] = loadImage('images/' + i + '.png');       //mapnaam + nummer + bestandstype

    function setup() {
        //canvas = createCanvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
        setInterval(() => idx = (idx + 1) % faces.length, INTER);

        var persons = data.persons;
          for (var p = 0; p < persons.length; p++) {
        setInterval(() => personidx = (personidx + 1) % persons.length, INTER);


    function draw() {

      imageMode(CENTER);                                          //lijn openlaten voor verticaal scherm
      image(faces[idx], window.innerWidth/2, 270, 500, 500);      //lijn openlaten voor verticaal scherm
      text(data.persons[personidx], window.innerWidth/2, 270, 500, 500);

      //image(faces[idx], 70, 25, 400, 500);                     //lijn openlaten voor horizontaal scherm

      //text(data.persons[1], window.innerWidth/2-50, 550);



    window.onresize = function() {
      var w = window.innerWidth;
      var h = window.innerHeight;
      width = w;
      height = h;

Json file example

  "persons" : [
      "name" : "Naoki Kano",
      "country": "イギリス領インド洋地域",
      "city" : "香取郡神崎町",
      "zip code": "183 - 6141",
      "street name": "鈴木 Street",
      "license plate": "QLJ D83",
      "phone number": "090 - 2275 - 0626",
      "email": "given randomEmail",
      "username": "chamada",
      "password": "xxxxx",
      "iban": "GB96YTST9390289207672",
      "credit card": "xxxxxxxx",
      "credit card security code": "xxxx",
      "cryptocurrency code": "XPM",
      "profession": "Geophysical data processor"
      "name" : "Kaori Kondo",
      "country" : "ハード島とマクドナルド諸島",
      "city" : "中野区",
      "zip code" : "026-7987",
      "street name" : "三宅 Street",
      "license plate" : "156JES",
      "phone number" : "070-4279-4120",
      "email" : "given randomEmail",
      "username" : "nakajimasayuri",
      "password" : "xxxxx",
      "iban" : "GB18THCM8220324313297",
      "credit card" : "xxxxxxxxxx",
      "credit card security code" : "xxxx",
      "cryptocurrency code" : "EMC",
      "profession" : "Designer, graphic"


  • edited January 2018

    You're declaring persons[] as a local variable inside setup()! #-o
    Instead, declare it globally the same way you did for faces[]. *-:)

    Also some extra tips: In general, variables should follow the lowerCamelCase naming convention. ~O)
    Therefore, personidx & consolediv should be renamed to personIdx & consoleDiv respectively. :-bd

    P.S.: Actually, consoleDiv is never used in your sketch. You should probably just delete it. 8-X

    And even though onresize() is perfectly OK, p5.js already offers it as windowResized(): ;;)

  • Hi, Thanks again for the quick response.

    I adjusted accordingly. And now I get the first name with the first image. They disappear at the same time, which is good. but then I get the second image without the second name. And it freezes on image two and doesn't go to the third.

    At the second image I get TypeError: data.persons[personIdx] is undefined [Learn More] sketch.js:40:3 in the console

    let faces = [];
    let persons = [];                                         //Laden van de afbeeldingen
    let idx = 0;
    let personIdx = 0;
                                                //Time based interval var voor de afbeeldingen
    var data;
    var canvas;
    var consoleDiv;
    const INTER = 1.5 * 1000;                               //timer
    function preload(){                                      //laden van de foto's voor de draw functie
      data = loadJSON('ID_python/id_JP_.json');
      for (let p = 0; p < persons.length; p++) {
      for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                         //aantal foto's in de map van 0-3
        faces[i] = loadImage('images/' + i + '.png');       //mapnaam + nummer + bestandstype
    function setup() {
        //canvas = createCanvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
        setInterval(() => idx = (idx + 1) % faces.length, INTER);
        setInterval(() => personIdx = (personIdx + 1) % persons.length, INTER);
    function draw() {
      imageMode(CENTER);                                          //lijn openlaten voor verticaal scherm
      image(faces[idx], window.innerWidth/2, 270, 500, 500);      //lijn openlaten voor verticaal scherm
      text(data.persons[personIdx].name, window.innerWidth/2, 400, 500, 500);
      //image(faces[idx], 70, 25, 400, 500);                     //lijn openlaten voor horizontaal scherm
      //text(data.persons[1], window.innerWidth/2-50, 550);
    window.onresize = function() {
      var w = window.innerWidth;
      var h = window.innerHeight;
      width = w;
      height = h;

    Then when I do text(data.person(personIdx), window.innerWidth/2, 400, 500, 500);

    Shouldn't I get the whole persons piece from the JSON file? with .name after it I get a name, without I get [object object]

  • edited October 2019

    I've remade your sketch! In order to simplify things, I've removed setInterval().
    In its place, I'm using the noLoop() + redraw() approach to change persons[]' current idx.
    Also I've inserted each loaded p5.Image object from faces[] into each persons[]'s object.

    You can check it out running online at this link below: :bz

    New link:

    You can hit CTRL+U in order to see the "index.html" there: O:-)

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset=utf-8>
    <meta name=viewport content=width=device-width,initial-scale=1>
    <script async src=></script>
    <script defer src=sketch.js></script>

    And the "sketch.js" file is at this link: :-bd

     * JSON Faces ID (v1.1)
     * GoToLoop & Layzfat (2018-Jan-08)
     * request-for-json-object-object#Item_3
    "use strict";
    const FACES = 2, INTER = 1.5 * 1000, FPS = 1000 / INTER,
          FILL = 'yellow', STROKE = 0, BOLD = 1.5,
          BG = 0o200, FONT_SIZE = 20, BW = .98, BH = .96,
          JSON_FOLDER = 'ID_python/', JSON_FILE = 'id_JP_.json',
          IMG_FOLDER = 'images/', IMG_EXT = '.png', IMG_PROP = 'face',
          faces = Array(FACES);
    let bg, persons, idx = 0;
    function preload() {
      loadJSON(JSON_PATH, json => ({persons} = json));
      for (let i = 0; i < FACES; ++i)
        faces[i] = loadImage(IMG_FOLDER + i + IMG_EXT);
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(windowWidth*BW, windowHeight*BH).mousePressed(nextIdx);
      textSize(FONT_SIZE).textAlign(CENTER, BASELINE);
      bg = color(BG);
      persons.forEach((person, idx) => person[IMG_PROP] = faces[idx]);
    function draw() {
      const person = persons[idx];
      image(person[IMG_PROP], width>>1, height>>1);
      text(, width>>1, height>>2);
    function windowResized() {
      resizeCanvas(windowWidth*BW, windowHeight*BH);
    function nextIdx() {
      idx = (idx + 1) % FACES;
  • edited January 2018




      "persons" : [
          "name" : "Naoki Kano",
          "country": "イギリス領インド洋地域",
          "city" : "香取郡神崎町",
          "zip code": "183 - 6141",
          "street name": "鈴木 Street",
          "license plate": "QLJ D83",
          "phone number": "090 - 2275 - 0626",
          "email": "given randomEmail",
          "username": "chamada",
          "password": "xxxxxx",
          "iban": "GB96YTST9390289207672",
          "credit card": "xxxxxx",
          "credit card security code": "xxxx",
          "cryptocurrency code": "XPM",
          "profession": "Geophysical data processor"
          "name" : "Kaori Kondo",
          "country" : "ハード島とマクドナルド諸島",
          "city" : "中野区",
          "zip code" : "026-7987",
          "street name" : "三宅 Street",
          "license plate" : "156JES",
          "phone number" : "070-4279-4120",
          "email" : "given randomEmail",
          "username" : "nakajimasayuri",
          "password" : "xxxxx",
          "iban" : "GB18THCM8220324313297",
          "credit card" : "xxxxxx",
          "credit card security code" : "xxx",
          "cryptocurrency code" : "EMC",
          "profession" : "Designer, graphic"
  • Hi, wow almost a whole other code with the const approach. So your code works perfectly in the example. 8-> ^:)^

    I copied it on my editor to add more images and more JSON queries and tried to get the timer to work. [-O<

    That did not work. :(( There are also a few things I don't really understand or don't know how to alter them to my specific needs. I tried but with no succes. ^#(^

    What didn't work is I only get two names and two picture in the correct order. But I have 5 images and 5 names in the JSON file. When adding more integers to the const FACES I get no pictures and just the background instead. Also no names, but my guess is that is because the images and the names are connected to each other. I get this error in the console. TypeError: person is undefined at sketch.js:53:3 And then it goes back to the first picture when pressing the mouse. So I'm pretty sure I don't understand the face PROP and that is causing the troubles.

    Lastly I'm able to see the full JSON person list in the console because the console log states it. Instead of only showing the name would it be possible to state the whole person[1,2, etc..] list as is shown in the log.

    I did the Thimble thingy too.

     * JSON Faces ID (v1.1)
     * GoToLoop & Layzfat (2018-Jan-08)
     * request-for-json-object-object#Item_3
    "use strict";
    const FACES = 4, INTER = 1.5 * 1000, FPS = INTER / 60,               **//what if I have need to know how much images I have? Length in the former code helped me with that**
          //FILL = 'yellow', STROKE = 0, BOLD = 1.5,
          BG = 0o200, FONT_SIZE = 20, BW = .98, BH = .96,                **// bw & bh multiplier for the background?**
          JSON_FOLDER = 'ID_python/', JSON_FILE = 'id_JP_.json',         //folder destination JSON
          JSON_PATH = JSON_FOLDER + JSON_FILE,                           //folder destination JSON
          IMG_FOLDER = 'images/', IMG_EXT = '.png', IMG_PROP = 'face',   //folder destination images
          faces = Array(FACES);
    let bg, persons, idx = 0;
    function preload() {
      loadJSON(JSON_PATH, json => ({persons} = json));
      for (let i = 0; i < FACES; ++i)
        faces[i] = loadImage(IMG_FOLDER + i + IMG_EXT);
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(windowWidth*BW, windowHeight*BH).mousePressed(nextIdx); **// This works but I need the interval because it's an automated 'display' type of project**
      textSize(FONT_SIZE).textAlign(CENTER, BASELINE);
      //setInterval(() => idx = nextIdx % FACES, INTER);   **// silly me tried to make it work (the timer) by just adding this code
      bg = color(BG);
      persons.forEach((person, idx) => person[IMG_PROP] = faces[idx]);
    function draw() {
      const person = persons[idx];
      image(person[IMG_PROP], width>>1, height>>1); // I did height**>>1+1 to get the image to the top so that worked ^^**
      text(, width>>1, height>>1);           // How do I get this below the face but not at the bottom.
    function windowResized() {
      resizeCanvas(windowWidth*BW, windowHeight*BH); 
    function nextIdx() {
      idx = (idx + 1) % FACES;    
  • @GoToLoop how could I set the INTER for (nextidx) instead of mousepressed. Could I use this to change the canvas. I tried putting it instead of mousepressed. But that doesn't work.

    I also still didn't get more than 2 images and JSON queries to work yet. Not giving up though :)

  • This works but I need the interval because it's an automated 'display' type of project

    This can be done later. For now focus in getting the json+images working together. You can then revert or add the setInterval() to do the auto switching for you.

    This code works for me. I remove the dependency to external resources to demonstrate the logic works. You need to make sure you have access to the images. Update the console.log() statement to do further debugging when working with your images.


    "use strict";
    const FACES = 4, INTER = 1.5 * 1000, FPS = INTER / 60, FILL = 'yellow', STROKE = 0, BOLD = 1.5, 
      BG = 0o200, FONT_SIZE = 20, BW = .98, BH = .96, 
      JSON_FOLDER = 'ID_python/', JSON_FILE = 'id_JP_.json', //folder destination JSON
      JSON_PATH = JSON_FOLDER + JSON_FILE, //folder destination JSON
      IMG_FOLDER = 'images/', IMG_EXT = '.png', IMG_PROP = 'face', //folder destination images
      faces = Array(FACES);
      var data={
      "persons" : [
          "name" : "Naoki Kano"
          "name" : "Figure two"
          "name" : "Strike Three"
          "name" : "Kaori Kondo"
    let bg, persons, idx = 0;
    function preload() {
      //loadJSON(JSON_PATH, json => ( { persons }   = json));
      for (let i = 0; i < FACES; ++i)
        faces[i] = i;// loadImage(IMG_FOLDER + i + IMG_EXT);
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(windowWidth*BW, windowHeight*BH).mousePressed(nextIdx);   
      textSize(FONT_SIZE).textAlign(CENTER, BASELINE);
      //setInterval(() => idx = nextIdx % FACES, INTER);   
      bg = color(BG);
      persons.forEach((person, idx) => person[IMG_PROP] = faces[idx]);
    function draw() {
      const person = persons[idx];
      //image(person[IMG_PROP], width>>1, height>>1); // I did height**>>1+1 to get the image to the top so that worked ^^**
      console.log('Current idx: '+idx);
      text(, width>>1, height>>1);           // How do I get this below the face but not at the bottom.
    function windowResized() {
      resizeCanvas(windowWidth*BW, windowHeight*BH); 
    function nextIdx() {
      idx = (idx + 1) % FACES;    
  • edited October 2019 Answer ✓

    Hello! I did some tweaks so it's got 5 FACES & frameRate() based on INTER + FPS constants:

    And no noLoop(), redraw() nor mousePressed() this time. Check it out again: O:-)

    New link:

     * JSON Faces ID (v2.1)
     * GoToLoop & Layzfat (2018-Jan-08)
     * request-for-json-object-object#Item_8
    "use strict";
    const FACES = 5, INTER = 1.5 * 1000, FPS = 1000 / INTER,
          FILL = 'yellow', STROKE = 0, BOLD = 1.5,
          BG = 0o200, FONT_SIZE = 20, BW = .98, BH = .96,
          JSON_FOLDER = 'ID_python/', JSON_FILE = 'id_JP_.json',
          IMG_FOLDER = 'images/', IMG_EXT = '.png', IMG_PROP = 'face',
          faces = Array(FACES);
    let bg, persons, idx = 0;
    function preload() {
      loadJSON(JSON_PATH, json => ({persons} = json));
      for (let i = 0; i < FACES; ++i)
        faces[i] = loadImage(IMG_FOLDER + i + IMG_EXT);
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(windowWidth*BW, windowHeight*BH)//.mousePressed(nextIdx);
      textSize(FONT_SIZE).textAlign(CENTER, BASELINE);
      bg = color(BG);
      //persons.forEach((person, idx) => person[IMG_PROP] = faces[idx]);
    function draw() {
      const face = faces[idx], person = persons[idx];
      idx = (idx + 1) % FACES;
      image(face, width>>1, height>>1);
      text(, width>>1, height>>2);
    function windowResized() {
      resizeCanvas(windowWidth*BW, windowHeight*BH);
    //function nextIdx() {
    //  idx = (idx + 1) % FACES;
    //  redraw();
  • why are you posting personal data here? names, addresses, licence plate numbers, usernames and passwords, credit card numbers and codes! what is this?

  • Hi! @kfrajer The console logs everything correctly!

    Object { name: "Naoki Kano", face: 0 }
    current idx:0
    Object { name: "Figure two", face: 1 }
    current idx:1
    Object { name: "Strike Three", face: 2 }
    current idx:2
    Object { name: "Kaori Kondo", face: 3 }
    current idx:3
    TypeError: str is undefined
    [Learn More]

    On reload I get [object Object] for the first to the third idx = 0 - 3. And I see no visible images because I did not call loadImage() in thefunction preload(). Correct?

  • @kfrajer despite that it shows correctly in my console. I don't see any changes in my canvas. I keep getting [object Object] and no pictures.

  • @koogs its all fake data from faker.js Wouldn't be nice otherwise..

  • edited January 2018

    UPDATE nevermind below, either cache or buggy chrome. But on Firefox it works.

    @GoToLoop ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

    @GoToLoop Thanks for all the support!! I see your example working perfectly and its exactly the base I need to go further.

    Unfortunately mine does it for the half of it. Only shows 3 pictures and 2 JSON queries.

    Could I see your JSON file?

    I got 5 queries (copied the first two for testing).

    console logs this after the second query.

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
        at draw (sketch.js:51)
        at e.d.redraw (p5:33)
        at e.<anonymous> (p5:32)

    Just for the sake of desperation.. I'll give the JSON file.

      "persons" : [
          "name" : "Naoki Kano",
          "country": "イギリス領インド洋地域",
          "city" : "香取郡神崎町",
          "zip code": "183 - 6141",
          "street name": "鈴木 Street",
          "license plate": "QLJ D83",
          "phone number": "090 - 2275 - 0626",
          "email": "given randomEmail",
          "username": "chamada",
          "password": "xxxx",
          "iban": "xxxx",
          "credit card": "xxxx",
          "credit card security code": "xxxx",
          "cryptocurrency code": "XPM",
          "profession": "Geophysical data processor"
          "name" : "Kaori Kondo",
          "country" : "ハード島とマクドナルド諸島",
          "city" : "中野区",
          "zip code" : "026-7987",
          "street name" : "三宅 Street",
          "license plate" : "156JES",
          "phone number" : "070-4279-4120",
          "email" : "given randomEmail",
          "username" : "nakajimasayuri",
          "password" : "xxxx",
          "iban" : "xxxx",
          "credit card" : "xxxx",
          "credit card security code" : "xxxx",
          "cryptocurrency code" : "EMC",
          "profession" : "Designer, graphic"
          "name" : "1",
          "country" : "ハード島とマクドナルド諸島",
          "city" : "中野区",
          "zip code" : "026-7987",
          "street name" : "三宅 Street",
          "license plate" : "156JES",
          "phone number" : "070-4279-4120",
          "email" : "given randomEmail",
          "username" : "nakajimasayuri",
          "password" : "xxxx",
          "iban" : "xxxx",
          "credit card" : "xxxx",
          "credit card security code" : "xxxx",
          "cryptocurrency code" : "EMC",
          "profession" : "Designer, graphic"
          "name" : "Kaori Kondo",
          "country" : "ハード島とマクドナルド諸島",
          "city" : "中野区",
          "zip code" : "026-7987",
          "street name" : "三宅 Street",
          "license plate" : "156JES",
          "phone number" : "070-4279-4120",
          "email" : "given randomEmail",
          "username" : "nakajimasayuri",
          "password" : "xxxx",
          "iban" : "xxxx",
          "credit card" : "xxxx",
          "credit card security code" : "xxxx",
          "cryptocurrency code" : "EMC",
          "profession" : "Designer, graphic"
          "name" : "Kaori Kondo",
          "country" : "ハード島とマクドナルド諸島",
          "city" : "中野区",
          "zip code" : "026-7987",
          "street name" : "三宅 Street",
          "license plate" : "156JES",
          "phone number" : "070-4279-4120",
          "email" : "given randomEmail",
          "username" : "nakajimasayuri",
          "password" : "xxxx",
          "iban" : "xxxx",
          "credit card" : "xxxx",
          "credit card security code" : "xxxx",
          "cryptocurrency code" : "EMC",
          "profession" : "Designer, graphic"
          "name" : "Kaori Kondo",
          "country" : "ハード島とマクドナルド諸島",
          "city" : "中野区",
          "zip code" : "026-7987",
          "street name" : "三宅 Street",
          "license plate" : "156JES",
          "phone number" : "070-4279-4120",
          "email" : "given randomEmail",
          "username" : "nakajimasayuri",
          "password" : "xxxx",
          "iban" : "xxxx",
          "credit card" : "xxxx",
          "credit card security code" : "xxxx",
          "cryptocurrency code" : "EMC",
          "profession" : "Designer, graphic"
          "name" : "Kaori Kondo",
          "country" : "ハード島とマクドナルド諸島",
          "city" : "中野区",
          "zip code" : "026-7987",
          "street name" : "三宅 Street",
          "license plate" : "156JES",
          "phone number" : "070-4279-4120",
          "email" : "given randomEmail",
          "username" : "nakajimasayuri",
          "password" : "xxxx",
          "iban" : "xxxx",
          "credit card" : "xxxx",
          "credit card security code" : "xxxx",
          "cryptocurrency code" : "EMC",
          "profession" : "Designer, graphic"

    I even changed the local server in to an apache and tried 3 different browser...

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