Vertex Buffer Object

edited January 2014 in GLSL / Shaders


I'm wanting to make a point cloud with millions of points. Are these Wiki articles current (and best practice) in Processing 2.1.x? for creating large VBO's?,000,000_points_in_OpenGL_using_Vertex_Arrays

thanks! Jim


  • You can use Processing's PShape. I managed to get a mesh with over 10 million triangles running at 60 fps with it:

  • Thanks for the pointer to PShape, I'll go check that out. Is your code public, it looks like it would be an awesome demo.

    As an Update, I can confirm that both links to the wiki that I posted above, contain code samples for p2.x which don't compile on my fresh win7 32bit install of P2.1.1.


  • edited January 2014

    The code samples on the wiki are now updated to run in 2.1.1

    Also, if you are using only the GLES2 API, you can access the GL functions directly through the PGL interface. See the Demo|Graphics|LowLevelGL example, where the matrix transformations from Processing are automatically passed to the shader.

  • Nice @amnon, does the frame rate drops if you modify the vertices position?

  • @kosowski Yeah, this combi of lots of vertices at high fps only works with static geometry. Recreating the PShape or setting it's vertices means interaction between CPU and GPU, thus killing your framerate.

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