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inside draw loop:
load image
copy to screen at 0,0
puts up image but it is not centered on screen and cannot move it
want to toggle full screen report image and draw loop menu
PC max display is 1366x768
image comes up but doesn't start in upper left corner even with 0,0 as cordinates
Leave a blank line between paragraphs or it'll run them all together and make you sound like a loon. I have fixed your post.
If you want to centre an image use imageMode(CENTRE) and draw it at width/2, height/2
(CENTER probably, pesky Americans, pesky autocorrect)
OK, my nomenclature was wrong. I want the 1024x768 report
to start at the upper most right corner of the screen.
i will use rect to make a blank area and then draw it
when done a button can be clicked to make it go away and the original
screen will be redrawn in draw
But my sketch does not start at 0,0 , it starts offset from the upper right corner.
I've tried a number of commands found in forum posts
for frame but they did not have the effect i want or had no effect
i'm using 2.1 so i want to do it with something that works
for that version.
Too many newlines now, why is that last sentence four different paragraphs?
Post the code, and a picture of what you want, maybe that'll make more sense.