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I have a rotating Pimage that is rotating in the center of the cursor position so it is controlled by mouseX and mouseY. What I want to accomplish is this: when I click on the screen I want the rotating image to appear on the screen "frozen" in its rotation along its own axis. With every mouse click I want a new picture to be displayed. Each image will have its own rotation and position. Could you please explain a way that I can do this or give me some suggestion that I can look up . Also, I already have a new picture appear with each new mouse click, so I don't need help with that. I just need to make sure that the image is being "stamped" on screen with its position and rotation at the time of clicking.
That is great you can do that. If you post your code, then it will be easier to show you what you want to do, instead of us writing all the code from scratch. To answer your question, you can do this either two ways: