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When I (or Processing) open a new sketch to start coding, the default window size is much smaller than I would like. I've rummaged around and tried to find a preferences file where I could change this but have had no luck. I found a .plist file in the Users/myName/Library/Preferences directory, but I don't see a related value there.
Processing is open-source. You can find where the size is set and either trace that to a setting or set it yourself. I'd start here: https://github.com/processing/processing/blob/master/app/src/processing/app/ui/Editor.java
Something related to this, perhaps? Untested.
Thanks, Jeremy and Kevin - however, I don't find that file or directory - i.e. src/processing/app/ui/Editor.java. I'm on Mac and looking in the package Contents folder. I do find a file /Applications/Processing.app/Contents/Java/modes/java/src/processing/mode/java/JavaEditor.java, but I haven't been able to find anything there that sets default editing window size. Apparently there is somewhere a file preferences.txt (?), but I don't find it.
You're going to have to built Processing from source. You wouldn't find the source inside the standard Processing download.