speed change

edited December 2017 in Questions about Code

I have a question about some code I'm working on. I am trying to make a game and I want to increase the speed of the balls after the timer has expanded. I set this timer for every 5 seconds, but only one ball's speed increases instead of all the balls. Also, it sometimes decreases in speed while I only want it to increase slowly every five seconds. Does someone have an idea on what I am doing wrong here?

`int Bal = 45; Timer timer; int ball1[] = new int[Bal]; int ball2[] = new int[Bal]; float speed1[] = new float[Bal]; float speed2[] = new float[Bal]; color colorBalls = color(45, 75, 255);

void setup(){ size(800, 800);

for(int i = 0; i < Bal; i++){ // initializing all the variables for the balls ball1[i] = int(random(50, width+60)); ball2[i] = int(random(50, width-75)); speed1[i] = 1; speed2[i] = 1; timer = new Timer(5000); timer.start(); } }

void draw(){ background(200,0,0);

rectMode(CENTER); rect( mouseX,mouseY,25,25); noCursor();

for(int i = 0; i<Bal; i++){ fill(colorBalls); ellipse(ball1[i], ball2[i], 20, 20); if(ball1[i] > width-10 || ball1[i] < 10){ speed1[i] = speed1[i] * (-1); } if(ball2[i] > height-10 || ball2[i] < 10){ speed2[i] = speed2[i] * (-1); } ball1[i] += speed1[i]; ball2[i] += speed2[i]; } if(timer.done()){ int i= 2; speed1[i] = speed1[i]+ 3; speed2[i] = speed2[i] + 3;

timer.start(); }


class Timer {

int storedTime; int totalTime;

Timer(int allTotalTime) { totalTime = allTotalTime; }

void start() { storedTime= millis();}

boolean done() {

int passedTime = millis()- storedTime;
if (passedTime > totalTime) {
  return true;
} else {
  return false;

} }`

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