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Can someone help me with making the balls collide with my mouse image and after that making the time timer stop
// Balls
int Balls = 5;
int BallA[] = new int[Balls];
int BallB[] = new int[Balls];
float MoveA[] = new float[Balls];
float MoveB[] = new float[Balls];
int t;
PImage img;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
// Balls
for(int x = 0; x < Balls; x++){
BallA[x] = int(random(50, width));
MoveA[x] = int(random(5, 8));
BallB[x] = int(random(50, width));
MoveB[x] = int(random(5, 8));
img = loadImage("download.jpg");
img.resize(img.width/5, img.height/5);
void draw() {
// changing the background when moving your mouse. it is divided in 3 parts
if (mouseX < width/3)
{ background (230,220,0);
} else if(mouseX < 2*width/3){
background (0,0,0);
} else
background (255,0,0);
// creating an object to move around with your mouse
rect(mouseX, mouseY, 25, 25);
text (t,270,20);
text("Score:", 210, 20);
for(int x = 0; x<Balls; x++){
ellipse(BallA[x], BallB[x], 20, 20);
if(BallA[x] > width || BallA[x] < 10){
MoveA[x] = MoveA[x] * (-1);}
if(BallB[x] > height || BallB[x] < 10){
MoveB[x] = MoveB[x] * (-1);}
BallA[x] += MoveA[x];
BallB[x] += MoveB[x];
I am sorry for the code but hope someone can help me
edit post, highlight code, press ctrl-o to format
My code is good formatted and I hope someone can help me with the collision
please don't post duplicates