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Hi all,
I'm beginner with my Raspberry pi 3 model b, and I have a doubt: I have the last version of Raspbian and Processing and my framerate with Processing is very low, about 17 fps with an empty sketch like this:
void setup(){
void draw(){
My question: is it normal?
With a minimal complex sketch the fps is ridiculous. I tried a full of things and nothing worked. Using OpenGl (P2D) I have few fps more, but also a big mouse movement lag. I'm starting to think that my Pi is defective, I don't know!
Anyone can help me, please?
@Bufanuvols Are you running this on a 1080p screen?
No, my screen is 1440 but the raspberry is configured in 1080, Nevertheless, I have tried in a native 1080 screen too with same result!
I have putted the Sketch in fullscreen() mode too, and no way.