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Hello, I tried to build my first apk, strictly following what's written here. http://android.processing.org/tutorials/getting_started/index.html I generated the apk but, when I try to install it on the device (LG G4) I got a parsing error. I am running Android 6.0. Target sdk is 26 (min 17). BTW...is there a way to change it? Tried to change the manifest but it's rewritten by the IDE...
What does the error say?
Not sure if it is possible in the latest Android Mode in Processing. Check this post and see if it helps: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/comment/107176/#Comment_107176
Make sure the package name in the manifest has at least one "." in it
what the error says???
for the manifest change it in your build.gradle file
Thanks Hudson, it was the name...