I know how to do amplitude analysis of my mic input using the processing sound library.
For my current problem though, I need to analyze the amplitude at the current player position of a minim player. I haven't been able to figure out amp analysis in minim. Any suggestions?
Yeah, look at the minim reference please
Lots of examples
Also see potentially related previous discussions:
I didand I couldn't find what's specifically related to what I'm doing.
I'm new to programming and even the link given reads like an alien language to me as far as finding an inkling of an answer to my problem.
Well, I find sound analysis challenging myself -- using the analytic parts of a library like minim is definitely not a beginner-level project. But:
You already know what "amplitude analysis" is. And I linked to the analysis page of minim, which has documentation written in English prose with no code. If you just click around in that menu for a couple minutes, you'll arrive at this (for example):
Not sure if that one specifically is what you want -- but the real question is if you are sure what you want!
i am not sure that @laxOFBayDay is looking for some specifyed (low, high) frequency band which is what calcAvg does with FFT, returning the (average) amplitude for it. More probably he wants to get the level from its audio file when playing and for that you have only to use yourSong.left (or right).level() from the audioBuffer.
Thank you, everyone.
Yeah, I'm writing a program that displays subtitles and some of the audio files have silent endings so I want to analyze the amplitude of the sound and if it's silent for a while, turn off the subtitle.
Thanks, @akenaton, I looked up audio buffer and it does the job of letting me analyze amplitude.
Linking for future googlers.