Please post what you have tried so far. Does your webcam works?Can you see one face? Maybe more than one? Are your videos loaded properly in Processing?
your logic seems a bit odd. a slight tidy of lines 30 to 46
if (faces == null || faces.length <= 0) {
// there are no faces
fill(255, 0, 0);
println("no faces");
text("stop", 100, 100);
} else {
// there are faces - show them
for (int i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
image(video1, 0, 0, displayWidth, displayHeight);
you are pausing the video when there are no faces. how does it start again?
why are you just redrawing the video frame for every face?
it isn't slow, it's just doing a LOT. have you any idea how difficult face detection is?
in general, the older a movie codec, the bigger the file is, the easier it is to decode. but i'm not convinced that's your problem here. do you have any evidence?
Please post what you have tried so far. Does your webcam works?Can you see one face? Maybe more than one? Are your videos loaded properly in Processing?
your logic seems a bit odd. a slight tidy of lines 30 to 46
you are pausing the video when there are no faces. how does it start again?
why are you just redrawing the video frame for every face?
see what i mean about confusion?
it isn't slow, it's just doing a LOT. have you any idea how difficult face detection is?
in general, the older a movie codec, the bigger the file is, the easier it is to decode. but i'm not convinced that's your problem here. do you have any evidence?
"you are pausing the video when there are no faces. how does it start again?"