Get Audio Input with minim?

edited December 2017 in Library Questions

Hi This is code that I got from the internet and I modified it a bit.

The original code was using mp3 files to draw.
However I want to get the sound and fft from Audio Input.

I'm trying to get the sound from audio but I think the original code using minim library so I can't get the sound right.

How can I get the sound from mic like I get the sound from mp3?

import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import processing.sound.*;

FFT fft;
AudioIn song;

// Variables that define the "zones" of the spectrum
// For example, for bass, we take only the first 4% of the total spectrum
float specLow = 0.03; // 3%
float specMid = 0.125;  // 12.5%
float specHi = 0.20;   // 20%

// This leaves 64% of the possible spectrum that will not be used.
// These values are usually too high for the human ear anyway.

// Scoring values for each zone
float scoreLow = 0;
float scoreMid = 0;
float scoreHi = 0;

// Previous value, to soften the reduction
float oldScoreLow = scoreLow;
float oldScoreMid = scoreMid;
float oldScoreHi = scoreHi;

// Softening value
float scoreDecreaseRate = 25;

// Cubes appearing in space
int nbCubes;
Cube[] cubes;

//Lines that appear on the sides
int nbWalls = 500;
Wall[] murs;

void setup()
  //Display in 3D on the entire screen

  //Create the FFT object to analyze the song
  //fft = new FFT(song.bufferSize(), song.sampleRate());
  fft = new FFT(this, song.sampleRate());

  //Get Audio In
  song = new AudioIn(this, 0);

  //One cube per frequency bandOne cube per frequency band
  nbCubes = (int)(fft.specSize()*specHi);
  cubes = new Cube[nbCubes];

  //As many walls as we want
  walls = new Wall[nbWalls];

  //Create all objects
  //Create cubic objects
  for (int i = 0; i < nbCubes; i++) {
   cubes[i] = new Cube(); 

  //Create wall objects
  //walls LEFT
  for (int i = 0; i < nbWalls; i+=4) {
   walls[i] = new Wall(0, height/2, 10, height); 

  //walls RIGHT
  for (int i = 1; i < nbWalls; i+=4) {
   walls[i] = new Wall(width, height/2, 10, height); 

  //walls DOWN
  for (int i = 2; i < nbWalls; i+=4) {
   walls[i] = new Wall(width/2, height, width, 10); 

  //walls UP
  for (int i = 3; i < nbWalls; i+=4) {
   walls[i] = new Wall(width/2, 0, width, 10); 

  //Black background

  //Start the song;

void draw()
  //Forward the song. One draw () for each "frame" of the song ...

  //Calculation of "scores" (power) for three categories of sound
  //First, save old values
  oldScoreLow = scoreLow;
  oldScoreMid = scoreMid;
  oldScoreHi = scoreHi;

  //Reset values
  scoreLow = 0;
  scoreMid = 0;
  scoreHi = 0;

  //Calculate the new "scores"
  for(int i = 0; i < fft.specSize()*specLow; i++)
    scoreLow += fft.getBand(i);

  for(int i = (int)(fft.specSize()*specLow); i < fft.specSize()*specMid; i++)
    scoreMid += fft.getBand(i);

  for(int i = (int)(fft.specSize()*specMid); i < fft.specSize()*specHi; i++)
    scoreHi += fft.getBand(i);

  //To slow down the descent.
  if (oldScoreLow > scoreLow) {
    scoreLow = oldScoreLow - scoreDecreaseRate;

  if (oldScoreMid > scoreMid) {
    scoreMid = oldScoreMid - scoreDecreaseRate;

  if (oldScoreHi > scoreHi) {
    scoreHi = oldScoreHi - scoreDecreaseRate;

  //Volume for all frequencies at this time, with the highest sounds higher.
  //This allows the animation to go faster for the higher pitched sounds, which is more noticeable
  float scoreGlobal = 0.66*scoreLow + 0.8*scoreMid + 1*scoreHi;

  //Subtle color of background
  background(scoreLow/100, scoreMid/100, scoreHi/100);

  //Cube for each frequency band
  for(int i = 0; i < nbCubes; i++)
    //Value of the frequency band
    float bandValue = fft.getBand(i);

    //The color is represented as: red for bass, green for medium sounds and blue for high.
    //The opacity is determined by the volume of the tape and the overall volume.
    cubes[i].display(scoreLow, scoreMid, scoreHi, bandValue, scoreGlobal);

  //Walls lines, here we must keep the value of the previous tape and the next to connect them together
  float previousBandValue = fft.getBand(0);

  //Distance between each line point, negative because on the z dimension
  float dist = -25;

  //Multiply the height by this constant
  float heightMult = 2;

  //For each band
  for(int i = 1; i < fft.specSize(); i++)
    //Value of the frequency band, we multiply the bands farther to make them more visible.
    float bandValue = fft.getBand(i)*(1 + (i/50));

    //Selection of the color according to the forces of the different types of sounds
    stroke(100+scoreLow, 100+scoreMid, 100+scoreHi, 255-i);
    strokeWeight(1 + (scoreGlobal/100));

    //lower left line
    line(0, height-(previousBandValue*heightMult), dist*(i-1), 0, height-(bandValue*heightMult), dist*i);
    line((previousBandValue*heightMult), height, dist*(i-1), (bandValue*heightMult), height, dist*i);
    line(0, height-(previousBandValue*heightMult), dist*(i-1), (bandValue*heightMult), height, dist*i);

    //upper left line
    line(0, (previousBandValue*heightMult), dist*(i-1), 0, (bandValue*heightMult), dist*i);
    line((previousBandValue*heightMult), 0, dist*(i-1), (bandValue*heightMult), 0, dist*i);
    line(0, (previousBandValue*heightMult), dist*(i-1), (bandValue*heightMult), 0, dist*i);

    //ligne inferieure droite
    line(width, height-(previousBandValue*heightMult), dist*(i-1), width, height-(bandValue*heightMult), dist*i);
    line(width-(previousBandValue*heightMult), height, dist*(i-1), width-(bandValue*heightMult), height, dist*i);
    line(width, height-(previousBandValue*heightMult), dist*(i-1), width-(bandValue*heightMult), height, dist*i);

    //lower right line
    line(width, (previousBandValue*heightMult), dist*(i-1), width, (bandValue*heightMult), dist*i);
    line(width-(previousBandValue*heightMult), 0, dist*(i-1), width-(bandValue*heightMult), 0, dist*i);
    line(width, (previousBandValue*heightMult), dist*(i-1), width-(bandValue*heightMult), 0, dist*i);

    //Save the value for the next loop round
    previousBandValue = bandValue;

  //Rectangular walls
  for(int i = 0; i < nbWalls; i++)
    //Each wall is assigned a band, and its strength is sent to it.
    float intensity = fft.getBand(i%((int)(fft.specSize()*specHi)));
    walls[i].display(scoreLow, scoreMid, scoreHi, intensity, scoreGlobal);

//Class for cubes floating in space
class Cube {
  //Z position of spawn and maximum Z position
  float startingZ = -10000;
  float maxZ = 1000;

  //Position values
  float x, y, z;
  float rotX, rotY, rotZ;
  float sumRotX, sumRotY, sumRotZ;


  Cube() {
    //Make the cube appear in a random place
    x = random(0, width);
    y = random(0, height);
    z = random(startingZ, maxZ);

    //Give the cube a random rotation
    rotX = random(0, 1);
    rotY = random(0, 1);
    rotZ = random(0, 1);

  void display(float scoreLow, float scoreMid, float scoreHi, float intensity, float scoreGlobal) {
    //Selection of the color, opacity determined by the intensity (volume of the band)
    color displayColor = color(scoreLow*0.67, scoreMid*0.67, scoreHi*0.67, intensity*5);
    fill(displayColor, 255);

    //Color lines, they disappear with the individual intensity of the cube
    color strokeColor = color(255, 150-(20*intensity));
    strokeWeight(1 + (scoreGlobal/300));

    //Creating a transformation matrix to perform rotations, enlargements

    translate(x, y, z);

    //Calculation of the rotation according to the intensity for the cube
    sumRotX += intensity*(rotX/1000);
    sumRotY += intensity*(rotY/1000);
    sumRotZ += intensity*(rotZ/1000);

    //Application of the rotation

    //Creation of the box, variable size according to the intensity for the cube

    //Application of the matrix

    //Z displacement
    z+= (1+(intensity/5)+(pow((scoreGlobal/150), 2)));

    //Replace the box at the back when it is no longer visible
    if (z >= maxZ) {
      x = random(0, width);
      y = random(0, height);
      z = startingZ;

//Class to display the lines on the sides
class Wall {
  //Minimum and maximum position Z
  float startingZ = -10000;
  float maxZ = 50;

  //Position values
  float x, y, z;
  float sizeX, sizeY;


  Wall(float x, float y, float sizeX, float sizeY) {
    //Make the line appear at the specified place
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    //Random depth
    this.z = random(startingZ, maxZ);  

    //We determine the size because the walls on the floors have a different size than those on the sides
    this.sizeX = sizeX;
    this.sizeY = sizeY;

  //Display function
  void display(float scoreLow, float scoreMid, float scoreHi, float intensity, float scoreGlobal) {
    //Color determined by low, medium and high sounds
    //Opacity determined by the overall volume
    color displayColor = color(scoreLow*0.67, scoreMid*0.67, scoreHi*0.67, scoreGlobal);

    //Make lines disappear in the distance to give an illusion of fog
    fill(displayColor, ((scoreGlobal-5)/1000)*(255+(z/25)));

    //First band, the one that moves according to the force
    //Transformation Matrix

    translate(x, y, z);

    if (intensity > 100) intensity = 100;
    scale(sizeX*(intensity/100), sizeY*(intensity/100), 20);

    //Creation of the "box"

    //Second band, the one that is still the same size
    displayColor = color(scoreLow*0.5, scoreMid*0.5, scoreHi*0.5, scoreGlobal);
    fill(displayColor, (scoreGlobal/5000)*(255+(z/25)));
    //Transformation Matrix

    translate(x, y, z);

    scale(sizeX, sizeY, 10);

    //Creation of the "box"

    //Z displacement
    z+= (pow((scoreGlobal/150), 2));
    if (z >= maxZ) {
      z = startingZ;  


  • @jeremy_wilde===

    as it is this code cannot run, too many errors:

    • your import processing sound collide with minim FFT

    • you have to create an instance for Minim

    • you have to change your song to an instance of AudioInput

    • you have to get the lineIn with the minim instance (minim.getLineIn(....);

    • you have to change your fft, which is for a player

    • then you have also to change your "murs" var to walls...

    • and finally add the stop() method for minim for closing the lineIn

    But the best thing is to read the minim doc and see simple examples!

  • How can I get the sound from mic like I get the sound from mp3?

    I'm trying to get the sound from audio but I think the original code using minim library so I can't get the sound right.

    Why don't you install the minim library and see if the code runs as it is? Have you installed the minim lib via the library manager in the Processing IDE?

    If you want to process your input, do FFT and then change an image, I will do that exactly like that, executing those three steps in order. Break down your problem into smaller pieces.

    Also don't forget to explore the examples that come with the minim library. There is an example that shows you how to tap into the mic and how to do FFT.


  • edited December 2017

    Thanks for your comment!

    I never knew minim got the audio input example..
    What a simple minded I was...
    I will follow your steps thank you!

  • @kfrajer

    Thanks for your help!

    Now I'll try to get audio input with minim library

    I will update code here, thank you!

  • edited December 2017

    In process, even though I got the minim library.


    This function doesn't exist..

    Oh, it was the capital issue

    import ddf.minim.*;
    import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
    Minim minim;
    AudioInput song;
    FFT fft;
    void setup()
      //Display in 3D on the entire screen
      minim = new Minim(this);
      song = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO,2048,22000);
      //Create the FFT object to analyze the song
      fft = new FFT(song.bufferSize(), song.sampleRate());

    I change to using minim library It works pretty good!

    However It cause another problem the delay of it doesn't quick enough.

    How can I make it react instantly??

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