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Hello, everyone. I've come across a frustrating problem. I have no issues loading an image that I have downloaded from the internet. I download it straight to the "data" folder in my processing sketch and it loads just fine. However, I cannot seem to get an image from my computer to load even when I move it to the same "data" folder. I get an error message saying that the file is missing or unreadable. I've looked at the properties of both the images that are in the folder and they are both .jpg images of relatively similar size. What could be the issue?
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Sometimes windows shows .JPG as .jpg
Because it’s case sensitive it doesn’t load then
check the filename. double-check the filename. case is important so file.jpg is not the same as File.jpg.
is there an error in the console? what does it say?
are you sure the image is a jpg?
Thanks, you two. I got it figured out. If I open the picture and save it to the folder rather than move it then it seems to work.