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Successfully managed the library template 3.0,2 integration into Eclipse (Win 8.1). Managed to build the example.
But I run in trouble while creating a library on my own.
This "The constructor MYClass(....) is undefined message" issue.
What have to be considered while creating the MyClass.java file. I used the HelloLibrary.java to start with.
As a workaround I again start with the example and step by step I remove code and add my own code (after renaming the necessary parts in the entire template). This seems to be OK, but I did on the first approach, too.
Are there better examples simple enough to get an understanding but with more comples Constructors? Or what is the prerequesite for a well defined Constructor taking more arguments in a class file?
It might be a typo above but the class name and constructor name must match exactly
So if class is called
then the constructor isI also suggest that you change the first line (ONLY) in the build.xml file
<project name="Processing Library" default="clean" basedir="../">
Change the name to something that represents your library. I use Eclipse and have 9 libraries, so it helps me tell the build files apart in the Ant view, like this
If you have the Ant view open you can simply double click on the library build file you want to run. :)
Thanks a lot quark. Issue solved and I much appreciate your hint regarding the build.xml.