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I want to pair this animation with an audio mp3 file of a heartbeat. I have imported the file and I know how to make a simple reactive sound wave to the heartbeat but I'm having trouble plugging it into main code here. Would I use a for loop like this?
``for (int i = 0; i< track.bufferSize()-1; i++)
(as I used in my simple soundwave sketch) and if so, where would i put it?
import ddf.minim.*; //import minim library
AudioPlayer track;
Minim minim; //minim class
float t;
float theta, theta2;
int maxFrameCount = 150;
float numRot = 25;
float numOne = 50;
float numTwo = 150;
int a = 49;
int b = 44;
void setup() {
size(700, 600);
minim = new Minim(this); //minim class
track = minim.loadFile("heart.mp3"); //import audio file
track.loop(); //play audio file on repeat
void draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2);
t = (float)frameCount/maxFrameCount;
theta = TWO_PI*t; //angle of rotation for wave1
theta2 = TWO_PI*t*2; //angle of rotation for wave2
for ( int x= -500; x <= 500; x+= 5) {
float offSet = (x*a);
float offSetRot = (x*b);
float w1 = map(sin(-theta+offSet), -1, 1, -numOne, numOne); //wave1 along sine curve
float w2 = map(cos(-theta2+offSet), -1, 1, -numTwo, numTwo); //wave2 along cosine curve
float rotValue = map(sin(-theta+offSetRot), -1, 1, numRot, -numRot);
stroke(171, 232, 242);
waves(x, 0, w1, w2, rotValue); //void waves
void waves(float xPos, float yPos, float s1, float s2, float rot) { //code waves of repeating quads
translate(xPos, yPos);
quad(0+numOne, mouseY/3, s2, 0, mouseY/3, mouseY/3, 0, s1); //(waves are composed of quadrilaterals)