Is there any way to change the editor background color on Processing 3?

I've just downloaded processing 3 for mac and my editor background is white, and function names are yellow. This isn't very readable for me. Is there any way to change this? I've tried the main settings and also the preferences.txt file to no avail..


  • Answer ✓

    i've looked at the github source and couldn't see a hidden background option

    it might be easier to change the yellow, using the relevant editor.token preferences.

    be sure that processing has quit before editing the preferences file or your changes won't stick.

  • If this is an accessibility issue it might be worth filing a feature request:

    At night I sometimes use macOS > System Preferences > Accessibility > Invert Colors, but this also inverts the output of the Processing sketch, so it isn't a good solution if you are iterating on visual output.

  • edited November 2017

    I trashed the preferences.txt file and restarted processing. Now everything looks good. I guess the file it still had the syntax coloring from the older version I have installed.

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