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Hey guys nice to see you.
I'm currently doing a visualization of motion in the design project that I'm in.
I'm trying to use 'ZED' which is a 3D Camera for Depth Sensing by stereolabs. co.
But it's developed based on C++, So it seems like it won't work with the Processing. If I make a C++ codes for running the camera is it possible to do memory mapping with Processing? Or is it better to implement a wrapper?
Hello i'm not familiar with ZED, so i browse the source
I would recommend you look into OpenCV
Also generally https://www.google.de/search?q=projection+mapping
The OpengGL wrapper in Java used by Processing:
I have to look it up (for other users who came along this post)
memory mapping
I think @cansik did some experiments.
But generally speaking, this is not something you do out of scretch or by copy +paste. The computer science geeky part is involved here always needs time to get through. I case you want to do your own lib from ground up you need to know the math, it also do no harm using a 3th party lib and know what you are dealing with e.g http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_projectionmatrix.html
The simpliest form of motion tracking done by tracking a color. More advanced forms are done by tracking an object. Also other (mixed,hybrid) solutions possible. As i said using OpenCV as a start -learning/experimenting point
@kfreesp There is currently no SDK for the ZED camera for Java. But if you really need it, you can create one with JNI, but you won't come around C++ programming.