Return object (toString)

edited November 2017 in Programming Questions

Hi. I'm wondering if I can return an object. Example of working code:

int x; println(x);

In this case, x returns a value. What I want to do is to have a class that can do the same thing. How it would work would look like this:

KTibowInt x; println(x);

Instead of returning "[sketch name][class type][memory place]", I want it to return x.y or something like that.


  • I your class KTibowInt create a public method called toSTring that returns a String representation of your object e.g.

    class KTibowInt {
      // class attributes /fields
      // object methods
      public String toString(){
        // Create and return the String you want to appear when using println()
        return "A string representation of this object";

    This works with any user defined class.

  • quark, that is not quite what I was thinking of. In the example that I showed, when I type x, it returns an int, not a string.

  • Oh, wait... maybe it would have been more appropriate to use the Integer class. Oh, wait again... x returns itself, right? So, maybe println() does something with it.

  • edited November 2017 Answer ✓

    When you use println(x) it creates a String representation of the variable x and displays that in the console window. It doesn't matter what the data type of x is, they all work the same way.

    If you want to return a value from the class then create a simple getter e.g.

    class KTibowInt {
      // class attributes /fields
      int intValue = 0;
      // Constructor
      KTibowInt(int anInt){
        intValue = anint;
      // object methods
      int getIntValue(){
        return intValue;
      public String toString(){
        // This will return a String representation of intValue
        return "" + intValue;

    Now if you create the object with x = new KTibowint(42); then both these statements will display '42' in the console window.

    println(x); // uses toString method

  • Well, I guess that's the best I can do in Processing.

  • Of course, in different programming languages, I could do that. But, as far as I know, this form has an answer. Still, somebody else may have a different answer.

  • Well, I guess that's the best I can do in Processing.

    That's the best you can do in Java, it maybe different in Javascript.

    If you want something better, then you need to give a more detailed description of what you are trying to do.

  • edited November 2017

    Part of the problem here is the title. 'Return' has a specific meaning in Java and it's not how you're using it.

    Add quark says, toString is the way to do exactly what you want. The default for objects is to print the type and address, which is pretty useless but you can override it in your own classes and make it do anything you want, as long as it returns a string. I'd add the @Override annotation to quark's solution.

  • edited November 2017

    Put another way, you could think of println(x) as "a function that calls x.toString()". Many objects already have a toString, so println already knows what to do with them. If you create a new object, give it a toString method, and then println (the thing that calls toString) will know what to do with it (because it has a toString).

    See for example this related Java discussion:

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