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Hello, I'm developing a program in which I have red spheres that when clicked they change their color to green but when you click in another place, they turn back to the original color.
What I need to do is that when they are clicked they stay with the green color instead of turning back again to the original color ir order to make all the spheres look green. This logic hasn't got an order, I mean, any sphere could be pressed first or second, or last... Here is the code
import peasy.*;
import gifAnimation.*;
PeasyCam cam;
Gif myAnimation;
PShape ammonite;
PImage fondo, titulo, titulo2, ammoniteinicio, almeja, gestos, flecha;
String estado;
PFont helvetica, nexa;
// invisible PGraphics
PGraphics pg;
//define hot spots
PVector[] hotSpotsPosition=new PVector[5];
color[] hotSpotsColor =new color [hotSpotsPosition.length];
String[] hotSpotsText = new String [hotSpotsPosition.length];
PImage[] hotSpotsImg = new PImage [hotSpotsPosition.length];
boolean [] hotSpotsRightSide = new boolean [hotSpotsPosition.length];
Gif [] hotSpotsGif = new Gif [hotSpotsPosition.length];
boolean almejacerrada;
int undefined=-1;
int hotSpotFound=undefined; // when undefined no text is displayed
int mousePressedAtX;
int mousePressedAtY;
// button data
int buttonX, buttonY,
buttonWidth, buttonHeight;
void setup() {
// size(900, 900, P3D);
cam = new PeasyCam(this, 100);
ammonite = loadShape("ammonite.obj");
// define the hot spots in parallel arrays
// the first hot spot is defined in hotSpotsPosition[0] and hotSpotsColor[0] and hotSpotsText[0] and so on
// positions:
hotSpotsPosition[0] = new PVector(-15, -20, 0);
hotSpotsPosition[1] = new PVector(-5, -5, -25);
hotSpotsPosition[2] = new PVector(-20, -10, 3);
hotSpotsPosition[3] = new PVector(-25, -10, 15);
hotSpotsPosition[4] = new PVector(-5, 19, -5);
//colors: colors are not visible but must be unique
hotSpotsColor[0] = color(255, 0, 0);
hotSpotsColor[1] = color(100, 0, 0);
hotSpotsColor[2] = color(110, 0, 0);
hotSpotsColor[3] = color(120, 0, 0);
hotSpotsColor[4] = color(160, 0, 0);
// texts
hotSpotsText[0] = "Embudo";
hotSpotsText[1] = "Caparazon";
hotSpotsText[2] = "Ojos";
hotSpotsText[3] = "Tentaculos";
hotSpotsText[4] = "Sifon";
hotSpotsImg[0] = loadImage ("EMBUDO.png");
hotSpotsImg[1] = loadImage ("CAPARAZON.png");
hotSpotsImg[2] = loadImage ("OJOS.png");
hotSpotsImg[3] = loadImage ("TENTACULOS.png");
hotSpotsImg[4] = loadImage ("SIFON.png");
// for (PImage img : hotSpotsImg)
// img.resize(200, 0);
// Gifs
hotSpotsGif[0] = new Gif(this, "embudoanim.gif");
hotSpotsGif[1] = new Gif(this, "caparazonanim.gif");
hotSpotsGif[2] = new Gif(this, "ojosanim.gif");
hotSpotsGif[3] = new Gif(this, "tentaculosanim.gif");
hotSpotsGif[4] = new Gif(this, "sifonanim.gif");
// whether we display the spot left or right
hotSpotsRightSide[0] = false;
hotSpotsRightSide[1] = true;
hotSpotsRightSide[2] = true;
hotSpotsRightSide[3] = true;
hotSpotsRightSide[4] = false;
fondo = loadImage("fondo.jpg");
titulo = loadImage("titulo.png");
titulo2 = loadImage("conociendo.png");
ammoniteinicio = loadImage("ammoniteparainicio.png");
almeja = loadImage("almeja.png");
gestos = loadImage("gestos2.png");
flecha = loadImage("flecha.png");
buttonX = 0;
buttonY = 0;
buttonWidth = 400;
buttonHeight = 400;
estado = "inicio";
almejacerrada = false;
helvetica = createFont("HelveticaWorld-Regular.ttf", 30);
nexa = createFont("Nexa Bold.otf", 50);
pg = createGraphics(width, height, P3D);
fondo.resize(width, height);
image(fondo, width/2, height/2);
} //func
void draw() {
avoidClipping(); // so the graphic AMMONITE is not cut when rotating
if (estado.equals("inicio")) {
//-----------Stopping peasy ------
image(fondo, width/2, height/2);
image(almeja, width-300, height-130, 250, 250);
fill(0, 50);
rect(width/2, height/2, width, height);
fill(0, 30);
rect(width/2, 75, width, 150);
text("AMMONITE", width/2, height/6 - 50);
text("EL ANCESTRO MARINO", width/2, height/6);
text("Toca para comenzar", width/2, height/2 + 300);
image(gestos, width/2 + 400, height/2-100);
cam.endHUD(); //--------------------------------
spotLight(255, 255, 255, 80, 20, 40, -1, 0, 0, PI/2, 2);
directionalLight(255, 255, 255, width/2, height/2, 20);
// --------------------- next estado !!!! --------
else if ( estado.equals("modelo")) {
doEstadoModelo(); // most important
}//else if
// --------------------- EROR - NO estado - program error !!!! --------
else {
println ("--------------- EROR - NO estado in draw() !!!! --------");
}//func draw()
void mousePressed() {
// mouse is pressed
if (estado.equals("inicio")) {
// start screen
estado = "modelo";
// --------------------- next estado --------
else if ( estado.equals("modelo")) {
mousePressedAtX = width/2 - 400;
mousePressedAtY = height/2;
color colorFromMouse = pg.get(mouseX, mouseY);
int oldHotSpotFound=hotSpotFound;
// hotSpotFound=undefined; // reset
for (int i=0; i<hotSpotsPosition.length; i++) {
if (colorFromMouse==hotSpotsColor[i]) {
if (i==oldHotSpotFound)
hotSpotFound=undefined; // reset
hotSpotFound=i; // set
if (hotSpotFound!=undefined) {
hotSpotFound = undefined;
}//else if
// --------------------- EROR - NO estado
else {
println ("--------------- EROR - NO estado in mousePressed() --------");
void doEstadoModelo() {
// background
cam.beginHUD(); // ----
image(fondo, width/2, height/2, width, height);
fill(0, 40);
rect(width/2, 75, width, 150);
text("CONOCIENDO AL AMMONITE", width/2, height/6 - 50);
if (almejacerrada == true) {
image(almeja, width-300, height-130, 250, 250);
almejacerrada = true;
image(flecha, 125, height/6 - 60 , 125, 125);
if (mousePressed && mouseX < 300 && mouseX > 0 && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < 300) {
estado = "inicio";
cam.endHUD(); // ----
// show Ammonite
spotLight(255, 255, 255, 80, 20, 40, -1, 0, 0, PI/2, 2);
directionalLight(255, 255, 255, width/2, height/2, 20);
cam.beginHUD(); // ----
// ----
// text field
if (hotSpotFound!=undefined) {
if (hotSpotsRightSide[hotSpotFound]) {
// show rect with text
// on right side
// translate(mousePressedAtX, mousePressedAtY, hotSpotsPosition[hotSpotFound].z);
translate(mousePressedAtX, mousePressedAtY );
fill(250, 250, 35);
// rect(mousePressedAtX, mousePressedAtY, 100, 100);
translate(0, 0, 0.2);
if (hotSpotsImg[hotSpotFound]!=null) {
// translate(100+hotSpotsImg[hotSpotFound].width/2, 0, 0);
image(hotSpotsImg[hotSpotFound], 0, 0);
text(hotSpotsText[hotSpotFound], width/2, -500);
//fill(0, 0, 0, 50);
} else
// show rect with text
// on left side
// translate(mousePressedAtX, mousePressedAtY, hotSpotsPosition[hotSpotFound].z);
translate(mousePressedAtX, mousePressedAtY );
// translate(-50, 0, 0);
fill(250, 250, 35, 0);
// rect(mousePressedAtX, mousePressedAtY, 100, 100);
translate(0, 0, 0.2);
if (hotSpotsImg[hotSpotFound]!=null) {
// translate(-25-hotSpotsImg[hotSpotFound].width/4, hotSpotsImg[hotSpotFound].height/2, 0);
image(hotSpotsImg[hotSpotFound], 0, 0);
text(hotSpotsText[hotSpotFound], width/2, -500);
//fill(0, 0, 0, 50);
//rect(buttonX, buttonY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
}// else
cam.endHUD(); // ----
// spheres
for (int i=0; i<hotSpotsPosition.length; i++) {
PVector pv = hotSpotsPosition[i];
translate(pv.x, pv.y, pv.z);
// use any color your want here
fill(0, 255, 255, 70); // normal
if (i==hotSpotFound) {
fill(2, 255, 100, 70); // highlight
void makeInternalPGraphics() {
pg. perspective(PI/3.0, (float) width/height, 1, 1000000);
pg.setMatrix(getMatrix()); // replace the PGraphics-matrix
for (int i=0; i<hotSpotsPosition.length; i++) {
PVector pv=hotSpotsPosition[i];
pg.translate(pv.x, pv.y, pv.z);
void avoidClipping() {
// avoid clipping :
// https : // // forum.processing.org/two/discussion/4128/quick-q-how-close-is-too-close-why-when-do-3d-objects-disappear
perspective(PI/3.0, (float) width/height, 1, 1000000);
The part color change is made in line 302.
Any help?? Thanks
Please don't post new questions about the same code unnecessarily. This is the third or fourth or fifth thread about this code, it's very hard to keep up.
Koogs, but this are different problems that I am having. So sorry.
But it's the same code over and over again. Keep it all together.
There was a time when I spent my time answering questions. Now I spend it all tidying up after people like you.
Ok, so sorry, don't know that it was so much problem, I wont do it anymore. Thanks.
You say that but...
You've posted the same code twice more since then.
So what should I do If i have a new problem with a code that i have already posted? Should I stay with my problem cause I can't post the same code?
I answered in a private message already.
You could post the message here.
Didn’t you like my message?
Please let us write here, no private messages anymore.
Ok, look at lines 91 to 96 above
There we store data
You want the same lines for saying sphereIsPermanentlyGreen
So make an array sphereIsPermanentlyGreen like in those lines and all slots in it are initially false
There’s a tutorial on arrays
Now once one sphere is clicked, set the array at this slot to true — in mousePressed
Use hotSpotFound as the index for your new array sphereIsPermanentlyGreen:
Now when displaying the spheres check if (i ==hotSpotFound || sphereIsPermanentlyGreen[hotSpotFound]==true){
Use green
else {use color }
==true is obsolete but just for clarification
This would be the first part, right?
Now, I should put this
sphereIsPermantentlyGreen[hotSpotFound] = true
in which line? I was thinking about line 267 and 294, is that right?
The code is now like this but the program crashes.
I think it's because of this lines
But I don't know where I should set the sphere to true if itsn't there.
Set to true in 202; but you must make { } around 202 and your new line
When set to true later you must evaluate the array — see above....
Okey, thanks! I didn't understand this
I'm so sorry cause i'm always asking questions that may sound stupid but sometimes it's difficult for me to understand not only things related to the code but also about the language! :(
I'm sure you will be rewarded for being such a good person and help me and lots of persons here in the forum.
Try it
Finish it
Then post your entire code again
Try it
Finish it
Then post your entire code again
Look, I'm doing in the proper way everything as you told me, I don't get any error but the program still crashing.
You must include line 204 in the brackets {} together with 202....
I am still not sure you fully understand the code
It crashed in which way ? Error message??
I am not at home and write on my phone
That’s why I can’t fix it here
Did you use ctrl-t and check indents / columns of pairs of {}
What’s this: almejacerrada
It's okey, I understood the code but it's the first time i'm working with so many if clauses inside other if clauses, also it's a year since the last time I programmed something.
It crashed in the way that I press play and it locks on the first screen and I have no response, I have to close it because java dosn't respond.
That's an image of a clam that i'm using
Restart computer maybe?
Do you run it on iPad now...?
If you knew objects and classes we could unify your bunch of parallel arrays into one.
But I don’t want to impose this approach on to you
No, I'm running it on my pc
It shows me this line when I close the program, as if there was an error on that line...
Yes, last year I made a simple game with object and classes but it was too simple, but I want to have this ready for today because I have to show it in a museum.
Maybe is too late to start reorganazing the sketch
Is not an image but a Boolean!!!!!
I see where you error is
In the yellow line use i as index of the array obviously
WHY did you write it crashes without error when the yellow line is so visibly marked....?
I‘ll be home soon and can finish it for you
Okey, I done it, also in line 202 I used i as index.
The code is now like this!
Is the ammonite upside down now?
Yes, it has been in that position from the first time i believe, do you know how to change the default position of peasycam?
With putting
in: does your code fully run now?Yes, now it's running perfectly, now i'm gonna make something that when you have pressed every sphere, it shows u a screen that the experience have ended!
all right. Congratulations!
I am offline then.
Send me a personal message when you need help but write also here. Don't open a new discussion.
does the animation play?
For the upside down problem:
see in setup() where you define in camera?
Add this line:
Thanks for your help!!
I'm gonna write you if I have any problem, thanks thanks thanks!!!
using this you can zoom much closer:
Nope :(
It appears as if it was an image
Thanks a lot those lines of code, they were really useful!
did you download the jar
and dragged it unto your sketch?????
did you write a small test sketch as I told you to ?
I have to go
Yes, I drag the jar but didn't practice with a small test sketch, thanks for your help Chrisir!
You dragged the downloaded jar on the sketch code??????
What subfolders do you have ??? Data ?
Here comes a new version where we count how many spheres have been clicked (like 3/5 have been clicked).
(Note that I made new functions to make the main functions shorter; you don't have to do that)
To see how the counting of the clicks is done follow the variable
. Just use the search of processing with ctrl-f to look at the places where I used it.Basically we add 1 to it (using the short form
) in mousePressed() when the sphere hasn't been clicked before (usingif
here). Then we display it in the function showBackground() (which is called from draw()).Chrisir
Three remarks:
One sphere is hidden?
you know, you have 5 hot spots but honestly I can see only 4.
Number 2 is almost hidden behind the eyes.
to test this, instead of using the sphere output, use this:
move its position further out maybe.
Reset sphere counter
Use this by the way to reset countHotSpotsClicked and remove green from all spheres:
Your text and images
I have to say when an image is open, it's hard to see.
It has another light or shadow depending of the rotation position of the sphere also.
I suggest you say
before drawing text and image here.You might even make a filled rect behind the image and text to make it better readable.
One sphere is hidden?
I mean the red sphere, it's normally much smaller and hard to see:
Wow Chris, that code is awesome!! It's just what I was looking for, you're amazing!!!
Thanks a lot!!! I really really appreciate your effort!
Thanks, I'm gonna read it to understand perfectly what you have done, thanks!!!
Now, let's see.
do you mind uploading your entire project again?
if (countHotSpotsClicked == 5)
you could bring in an extra text or button