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Hello, I found a lot of useful code in openprocessing.org. Anyway, I always need to port them from p5js to Processing. OK, there are not so big differences, but it's always a waste of time... Is there something like openprocessing archive for "standard" processing around there?
By standard Processing I assume you mean Java mode.
Processing used to have the option to export a Java mode application as an applet and Open Processing used to accept and display applets. In fact most of my Open Processing portfolio are applets which can no longer be viewed online.
The reason for this is that Java applets fell out of favour because of security issues and have largely been superseded by HTML5 and Javascript.
So Open Processing (like everyone else) no longer accept applets, so you will have to continue converting them to Java.
I mean that I cannot copy the code and paste it into the Processing editor. e.g. function setup() instead of void setup() etc.etc. So, yes, we need to port javascript to java....