Never mind, found the mistake. Thanks for the view.

Hi there :) What I'm trying to do: I have an array of PImages that are supposed to first disappear when being clicked and then the next PImage of that array is supposed to appear on a random position. Also, I'm not using the actual cursor but an image of a cursor that moved in opposite directions. So, if the actual cursor is going left, the fake on is going right, and so on.

To start of I made this, which actually works. Here I'm just using a rectangle instead of the PImages.

float posX = 0;
float posY = 0;
float rectW = 100;
float rectH = 100;

PImage cursor;

void setup(){
  cursor = loadImage("cursor.png");

void draw(){

  rect(posX, posY, rectW, rectH);
  image(cursor, width-mouseX, height-mouseY);

void mousePressed(){

  if(width-mouseX > posX && width-mouseX < (posX + rectW) && height-mouseY > posY && height-mouseY < (posY + rectH)){

    posX = random(0, width-rectW);
    posY = random(0, height-rectH);

But when replacing the rectangle with the array PImage, is doesn't work anymore and I can't seem to make it work, I've been trying for days.

float posX = 0;
float posY = 0;
float insultW = 100;
float insultH = 100;

PImage cursor;
PImage[] insults;

int index = 0;

void setup(){

  insults = new PImage[6];
  for(int i = 0; i < insults.length; i++){
    insults[insults.length-1 -i] = loadImage("insult_"+i+".jpg");

  cursor = loadImage("cursor.png");

void draw(){

  //rect(posX, posY, rectW, rectH);

  image(insults[index], posX, posY);

  image(cursor, width-mouseX, height-mouseY, insultW, insultH);

void mouseClicked(){

  if(width-mouseX > posX && width-mouseX < (posX + insultW) && height-mouseY > posY && height-mouseY < (posY + insultH)){

    posX = random(0, width-insultW);
    posY = random(0, height-insultH);

    index = 0;

Please help me.

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