This isn't built in to Processing -- you would need to implement it, or find a Java library that does so. Predictive text generally requires a large dictionary in order to work.
... I just realized from your other question: is this actually an Android Mode question? Are you asking if you can access the Android built-in predictive text?
There is a code-completion option in the preferences that'll expand some text for you. for instance, if you have a class instance and type a . then it can list all the methods or variables in that class (it doesn't need a dictionary for this, just uses reflection). but 'void' is a different thing...
I think you are looking for "predictive text"
This isn't built in to Processing -- you would need to implement it, or find a Java library that does so. Predictive text generally requires a large dictionary in order to work.
... I just realized from your other question: is this actually an Android Mode question? Are you asking if you can access the Android built-in predictive text?
There is a code-completion option in the preferences that'll expand some text for you. for instance, if you have a class instance and type a . then it can list all the methods or variables in that class (it doesn't need a dictionary for this, just uses reflection). but 'void' is a different thing...
Okay, "void" -- I'm FINALLY realizing that you want code completion, not in-application T9.
~O) ~O) ~O)
See tools / code completion or speed editing
Never tried it though
This in not an android mode question.
I do not know what the code completion does! I installed it and it changed nothing.
the code completion thing just improves the ctrl+space thing. (See it here: ) And I can't install the speed code tool. It looks really helpful! ( )
You could write draw (4 letters) and ctrl-space
And then replace the function name