How can I create an "Easing Effect"

edited November 2017 in Questions about Code

How can I smooth/easing the animation out? so it looks more like it would be floating instead of wiggling. The ellipse is wiggling... is there a possible solution for this, to smooth it out, like it would "float in the space"?

void Wiggler () {
  // variables
  float x, y;
  float ex, ey;
  x = width/2;
  y = height/2;
  ex = x;
  ey = y;

  // value
  x += random(-10, 10); 
  y += random(-10, 10); 

  // smoothing/easing
  ex += (x - ex) * 0.5;
  ey += (y - ey) * 0.5;

  ellipse(ex, ey, 625, 625);


  • it doesn't work... can't figure it out:

      float x = width/2;
      float y = height/2;
      float easing = 0.05;
      float targetX = x;
      float dx = targetX - x;
      x+= dx * easing;
      float targetY = y;
      float dy = targetY - y;
      y+= dy * easing;
      // value
      x += random(-2, 2); 
      y += random(-2, 2); 
      ellipse(x, y, 300, 300);
  • runnable examples will get you better results.

  • the problem is, i can't find any examples. Only mouse following examples...

  • do you have runnable code? then post that.

    currently we have one method. so we have to write everything else ourselves. this means two things: a) we won't bother or b) we will have different code to you. neither of which will get you quality answers.

  • yes, here:

    float x = width/2;
    float y = height/2;
    float easing = 0.05;
    float targetX = x;
    float dx = targetX - x;
    float targetY = y;
    float dy = targetY - y;
    void setup() {
      size (880, 800);
    void draw() {
      background (0);
      y+= dy * easing;
      x+= dx * easing;
      x += random(-5, 5); 
      y += random(-5, 5); 
      ellipse(x, y, 300, 300);
  • Answer ✓


    float targetX, targetY;
    float oldX, oldY;
    float easing = 0.05;
    void setup() { 
      size (880, 800);
      oldX = targetX = width / 2;
      oldY = targetY = height / 2;
    static final int STEPS = 30;
    void draw() {
      background (0);
      // new target every few frames
      if (frameCount % STEPS == 0) {
        oldX = targetX;
        oldY = targetY;
        targetX += random(-100, 100);
        targetY += random(-100, 100);
      // sinusoidal easing between old and new point
      float pos = sin((frameCount % STEPS) * HALF_PI / STEPS);
      float x = map(pos, 0.0, 1.0, oldX, targetX);
      float y = map(pos, 0.0, 1.0, oldY, targetY); 
      ellipse(x, y, 300, 300);

    we've done easing before. the above uses sine wave to accelerate out of the initial position and decelerate into the new target position

    the problem is the movement of the target - it's just random so you do see sudden changes of direction, which isn't great.

  • cool thank's! i've got only one problem. if i create a separate function of this code, it keeps flashing? i don't know why.

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