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I first saw this project on Kickstarter. The funding period was somewhere around January 21, 2011 - April 4, 2011. I made a small financial contribution because I found it a good initiative. On Thursday March 13, 2013, I received Daniel’s book. He had brought it personally to a Post Office in New York. What a service! At that time I read the book quickly and it disappeared on a bookshelf next to other books about Processing. Until January 18th 2017. I than started watching all educational and amusing videos. Reading the book. Transforming the code examples and doing the exercises. Yesterday I laid the final hand on the last ecosystem project of Chapter 10. Today everything is done. It was a huge victory for me. Especially because NOC learns you programming in a completely different way. My final result is 35 different ecosystems. 378 Images as variations on the examples from NOC. 334 Images as a result of the NOC exercises. Oh ... and also 97 very short movies of exercises and ecosystems.
All results and descriptions can be found through the following url's:
Henk Lamers
Fantastic work.
There are alone 89 videos in this album.
Very beautiful.
Hi Chrisir,
You are right. I kept a few behind on my disk because I was not satisfied with them :)
Henk Lamers
Hi Henk! Again another big collection of art in Processing from you! =D>
You should definitely post those links at Reddit too: https://www.Reddit.com/r/processing/ :-bd
Hi GoToLoop!
I’ll put the links on reddit. I’ll also will post links to my Generative Design Variations there. Thank you for the tip.
Henk Lamers
Really beautiful work, Henk. Thank you so much for sharing it.
Thanks Jeremy Douglass and GoToLoop!