All my results from ‘The Nature of Code’, by Daniel Shiffman

edited October 2017 in Share Your Work

I first saw this project on Kickstarter. The funding period was somewhere around January 21, 2011 - April 4, 2011. I made a small financial contribution because I found it a good initiative. On Thursday March 13, 2013, I received Daniel’s book. He had brought it personally to a Post Office in New York. What a service! At that time I read the book quickly and it disappeared on a bookshelf next to other books about Processing. Until January 18th 2017. I than started watching all educational and amusing videos. Reading the book. Transforming the code examples and doing the exercises. Yesterday I laid the final hand on the last ecosystem project of Chapter 10. Today everything is done. It was a huge victory for me. Especially because NOC learns you programming in a completely different way. My final result is 35 different ecosystems. 378 Images as variations on the examples from NOC. 334 Images as a result of the NOC exercises. Oh ... and also 97 very short movies of exercises and ecosystems.

All results and descriptions can be found through the following url's:


Henk Lamers


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