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Hi everyone,
I am working on a project about hand tracking. I am trying to track down the trace of my moving hands and export the trace as an 3d file like .obj
I found the SkeletonColor
example in KinectPV2 (https://github.com/ThomasLengeling/KinectPV2/tree/master/KinectPV2/examples/SkeletonColor),
which can help me to get the location of my hand
and RecordPointCloud
example also in KinectPV2 (https://github.com/ThomasLengeling/KinectPV2/tree/master/KinectPV2/examples/RecordPointCloud),
which can help me record and export the PointCloud as an .obj file at each frame.
I am wondering is there any way to combine these two together?
I believe here is how the author start to export the location data to 3d files: (https://github.com/ThomasLengeling/KinectPV2/blob/master/KinectPV2/examples/RecordPointCloud/RecordPointCloud.pde))
void draw() {
//get the points in 3d space
FloatBuffer pointCloudBuffer = kinect.getPointCloudDepthPos();
//allocate the current pointCloudBuffer into an array of FloatBuffers
//when the allocation is done write the obj frames
//allocate all the frame in a temporary array
void allocateFrame(FloatBuffer buffer) {
if (recordFrame) {
if ( frameCounter < numFrames) {
FrameBuffer frameBuffer = new FrameBuffer(buffer);
} else {
recordFrame = false;
doneRecording = true;
//Write all the frames recorded
void writeFrames() {
if (doneRecording) {
for (int i = 0; i < mFrames.size(); i++) {
FrameBuffer fBuffer = (FrameBuffer)mFrames.get(i);
doneRecording = false;
println("Done Recording frames: "+numFrames);
I was trying to find any similar function for the skeleton class to try to transform
FloatBuffer pointCloudBuffer = kinect.getPointCloudDepthPos();
to something like:
FloatBuffer handPositionBuffer = kinect.getHandDepthPos();
but couldn't find any function like "getHandDepthPos"
and I couldn't find any function return type is FloatBuffer in the class
(where the author defines the "getPointCloudDepthPos()" function.) --> (https://github.com/ThomasLengeling/KinectPV2/blob/3bda24ba8b7c62155bf308c0d86c961ca89dbfa3/KinectPV2/src/KinectPV2/Device.java)
I also found that the specific joints I want to track are
public final static int JointType_WristLeft = 6;
public final static int JointType_HandLeft = 7;
public final static int JointType_WristRight = 10;
public final static int JointType_HandRight = 11;
public final static int JointType_HandTipLeft = 21;
public final static int JointType_ThumbLeft = 22;
public final static int JointType_HandTipRight = 23;
public final static int JointType_ThumbRight = 24;
from here (https://github.com/ThomasLengeling/KinectPV2/blob/master/KinectPV2/src/KinectPV2/SkeletonProperties.java)
Is anyone know to can I get these 8 specific joints I want to get and export them to 3d files? Or is there any other approach would be more simple to achieve my goal?
Many thanks!