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Hello~ Sorry if my English is not very good i am still learning! my problem is that i have two rectangles which are both defined by the same class but i don't know how to have rectangle 1 in a different position than rectangle 2. if you need anymore info just ask :)
very much thank you! ~ Yoosuf
Hello~ Thank you this is helping me much more -however- I need to be able to put the two boxes in set different positions opposed to random, how can I change code to make one box in a particular position and other box in different particular position?
Very very much thanks for your amazing code though!!!! :)
are the PVectors that are the positions.You can either set these positions directly, or you can pass the positions you want in as parameters to the class's constructor function, or you can have class functions that can change the position:
Thank you thank you so veryy much many hugs!~~