Convert MongoDB 'DBobject' to Json

I'm using the MongoDB java driver to pull some data out of a MongoDB collection. I'm having problems converting the resultant DBObject into a processing JSON object. My code looks a little bit like this:

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("s__UID","123456789");
        cursor = coll.find(query);

         json = getJSONObject(;

The Println of cursor.hasNext works fine, but getJSONObject (or loadJSONObject) complain because I'm not passing in strings.

Can anyone help?


  • As an update, this thread also describes what I think is the same problem, but the link that PhiLho suggested as an answer which uses...

    json = JSONObject.parse(;

    ...Doesn't work for me, I get the error "The method parse(String) in the type JSONObject is not applicable for the arguments (DBObject)"


  • parse() is to convert a Json string to a Json Object. There is no automated way to convert an object of arbitrary complexity to Json (in Processing, at least; the Jackson library, for example, can do that).

  • So would anyone know how I could convert a DBObject into a string?

  • I think I've managed to make some progress, I've now got the DBobject into a String using:

    String s = String.format("%s",;

    ...and now I don't think it would be too difficult to get it into a JSONobject.


  • edited June 2016

    //assign the cursor to the DbObject

    DbObject result=;

    //this line will convert the DbObject to JSONObject

    JSONObject output = new JSONObject(JSON.serialize(result));

    //result is a DbObject , output is a JSONObject

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