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I'm trying to make a sketch that draws text as a Voronoi tessellation.
I used the geomerative library to get points around text. I was able to draw the points without a problem.
Next I tried to used the mesh library for voronoi. The points from geomerative are stored in an RPoint[] so I first moved those values into a 2D float array.
Finally, when trying to initialize the Vernoi class object, I get the error. I know this error usually means the array wasn't filled properly and there is no values stored in it. I ran prntln() to check that the array is in fact be filled.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
import megamu.mesh.*;
import geomerative.*;
RFont f;
RShape grp;
RPoint[] rPoints;
float[][] vPoints;
Voronoi txtVoronoi;
color bg = color(255);
int txtCol = 0;
int txtOp = 150;
int pointCol = 0;
void setup() {
size(800, 600);
//initialize geomerative library
// font file must be in data folder and must be ttf
grp = RG.getText("VORONOI", "SFNSText.ttf", 200, CENTER);
void draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2);
stroke(txtCol, txtOp);
int minSpace = 30;
int maxSpace = 200;
float spacing = lerp(minSpace, maxSpace, abs(sin(frameCount*0.005)));
rPoints = grp.getPoints();
if (rPoints != null) {
drawControlPoints(rPoints, 10);
vPoints = convertArray(rPoints);
Voronoi txtVoronoi = new Voronoi(vPoints);
float[][] txtVEdges = txtVoronoi.getEdges();
drawEdges(txtVEdges, 1);
float[][] convertArray(RPoint[] rPointArray) {
float[][] newArray = new float [rPointArray.length][2];
for (int i=0; i < rPointArray.length; i++) {
newArray[i][0] = rPointArray[i].x;
newArray[i][1] = rPointArray[i].y;
return newArray;
void drawControlPoints(RPoint[] points, int diam) {
for (int i=0; i < points.length; i++) {
ellipse(points[i].x, points[i].y, diam, diam);
void drawEdges(float[][] vEdges, int col) {
switch(col) {
case 0: //black
case 1: //red
stroke(255, 0, 0);
case 2: //green
stroke(0, 255, 0);
case 3: //blue
stroke(0, 0, 255);
case 4: //white
for (int i=0; i<vEdges.length; i++) {
float startX = vEdges[i][0];
float startY = vEdges[i][1];
float endX = vEdges[i][2];
float endY = vEdges[i][3];
line(startX, startY, endX, endY);
we saw this recently. it is, i think, a bug in the mesh code. i posted an issue on github...
but there's been no response.
there's a working fork here: https://github.com/acdean/mesh
(previous post with the same problem - https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/23772/paid-help-to-debug-patch )