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Hello to all... I was trying to programming my first shader, what to do is simple: color all the red pixels. But I'm finding some problem, the code is executed, but nothing happens. so I guess I'm wrong about something
processing sketch:
PShader myShader;
void setup() {
size(250, 250, P2D);
myShader = loadShader("shader.glsl");
void draw() {
shader sketch:
vec4 f = vec4(1.,0.,0.,1.); // f will be used to store the color of the current fragment
void main(void) {
gl_FragColor = f;
thank you very much to everyone for the support :D :D
I'm only just learning shaders myself but this I know.
You need something for the shader to change the colour of.
Add a rect or ellipse or something to your sketch.
ooh...ok, i just add a rect, it works...thank you :D
Just as explanation: Calling the method
does not draw anything. It just sets the state of the OpenGL pipeline to use that shader, when something is drawn. As @SnailPropulsionLabs told you, you have to draw something to see the output.