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A newby and my first time using Processing and I can't see how I can resolve this. I'm trying to set up a CNC drawing setup in arduino uno and the Processing option pane is not displaying correctly. I've attached a screenshot and it appears a fault is shown at line 31.
Would greatly appreciate any help
We cannot read your code. This is why screenshots are not good. Instead, please copy and paste your code here in the forum, making sure you format your code properly (Read the sticky posts). Also and copy the error that is shown in the console in your post below your code.
Thanks for your speedy reply and forgive my ignorance. I hope you can make something of this:
I'm not sure how to copy the error in the console but it's:
The Function "showInputDialog()" expects parameters like: "showInputDialog(Components, Objects, String, int, Icon, Object[], Object )"
Thanks Again
Try this change in line 31:
String result = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame
,Also I will review the design of your code as line 21 might be unnecessary and potentially problematic.