Tetris styled game (paid project)

Hi guys... had a fun project. Needed to re-create the Tetris game but for 2 players.

You can take a look at this link

Something similar to that. We can discuss the minute details as well.

  1. So what need to happen is that we first enter the names of the 2 gamers.

  2. Then we need to see 2 instances or windows on the screen... should look like one interface. Their names would come up here along with other data like score, etc. There is just one chance. No lives. Anyone loses means the game's over.

  3. Each are fed with the same sequence of blocks and the game lasts for say 2 or 3 mins max. At the end of this the winner's name is revealed (high score) and ONLY the winner's score is saved along with his name in a CSV text file.

  4. This way many people can play the game and at the end of it, we can know the highest score from the saved file. Might need some sort of button or menu that says 'Start New Game'.

  5. If we could also have a button that shows the top 10 scores so far, would be great.

  6. The winner will get some prize I guess maybe a T-shirt or chocolates :-) Just a fun thing.

IMPORTANT: You will need to add in code for 2 game controllers maybe XBox 360 controllers. This is possible using 'Game Control Plus' library.

This is for a local event. Do write back/inbox me if you cool to collab on this as well as your fees/costs. I'll handle any design stuff around the game and the code is yours to add in and enhance. We may get about 12 days to do this. There's a lot of tetris code online as well and in the forums. Just need to piece things together to make it quicker.



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