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Hi everyone, I am doing a demo about background subtraction and people extraction. I already picked the foreground pixels out of the whole pixels through comparing the different pixels between the static scene and later a people enter in this scene. I use createGraphics to store the foreground pixels and I would like to get a fully transparent background png. However, I only get a series of png files as normal camera feed frame, not the foreground extraction. I think the key section is here: if (diff > threshold) { pixels[loc] = fgColor; } else { pixels[loc] = color(0, 0); } I always get the error "NullPointerException" for the line" pg.pixels[loc] = color(0, 0); " so that I couldn't set the rest pixels as fully transparent.
Is there anyone have any idea about that? I have been trapped for too long but have no idea. Any help will be appreciated.
Here is the whole code if necessary:
import processing.video.*;
Capture video;
PGraphics pg;
PImage backgroundImage;
float threshold = 30;
void setup() {
size(320, 240);
video = new Capture(this, width, height);
backgroundImage = createImage(video.width, video.height, RGB);
pg = createGraphics(320, 240);
void captureEvent(Capture video) {
void draw() {
pg.background(0, 0);
for (int x = 0; x < video.width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < video.height; y++) {
int loc = x + y * video.width;
color fgColor = video.pixels[loc];
color bgColor = backgroundImage.pixels[loc];
float r1 = red(fgColor); float g1 = green(fgColor); float b1 = blue(fgColor);
float r2 = red(bgColor); float g2 = green(bgColor); float b2 = blue(bgColor);
float diff = dist(r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2);
if (diff > threshold) {
pg.pixels[loc] = fgColor;
} else {
pg.pixels[loc] = color(0, 0); //color(gray, alpha)
// pg.clear(); clears everything in a PGraphics object to make all of the pixels 100% transparen
image(pg, 0, 0);
pg.save("image_" + millis() + ".png");
void mousePressed() {
backgroundImage.copy(video, 0, 0, video.width, video.height, 0, 0, video.width, video.height);
Hi jeremydouglass, thanks for your response. I tried pg.clear() or pg.background(0,0,0,0) but I got cumulative drawing. I found that maybe the issue is to send PGraphics to each frame, not set the specific pixels transparent. But I have no idea how to put each PGraphics into each frame. Do you any further advice for that? Thanks a lot and looking forward to your reply.
Please share your code. If you are actually clearing your PGraphics then it shouldn't still be there -- unless you are accumulating in a different PGraphics than you are clearing, or if you are copying from the main screen back into your PGraphics after clearing, etc.
Hi jeremydouglass, thanks for your response. Here my code is. I think I didn't copy from the main screen. I still have no idea about that.