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I want to make an apk, but when try to export, I get the message that the sketch does not include all required app icons. I searched on and outside the forum where I found the latest topic [https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/comment/90084/#Comment_90084] Of course I read also the docs. I made my icons in all dimensions that I could find, that could be needed, and named them icon-36.png and so on, and put them in the sketch folder. But without success. Then I tried to put them in other folders like the lib folder too, with other names like 36pde.png. I tried to use the custom icon set also with, and without renaming, putting them into different folders. I am using 64b Windows 8.1and latest versions of java and processing in android mode.
I really need to make a ´standalone´apk so I really appreciate some help. Thanks in advance Emmanuel
Hi Chrisir. Yes, I started with this tutorial, but it just doesn´t work.
try putting your icons into the android mode folder, where are the standard icons; name them like these ones; make a copy of them and replace...
you must have 6 icons: ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi
they can be named how you want but only with abc....z chars and number from 1 to 9
Of course if you rename (why?????) you have to change the icon laucher name in the manifest too.
This didn´t work for me, but the tutorial is right. You must name all icons as icon-36.png and so forth, with the - sign. Only then it worked for me. But maybe like you said :
changing the manifest file it is possible. The only line I found there is:
How should I change the android label?
you are false; leave the label as it is && change icon="@drawable/myiconname" myiconname is without the extension .png; @drawable is the path inside the res folder; "icon" is the default name for processing; label is the name or title of your app: that s why the initial manifest is like that: when the final apk is created the appname is set in this place.
Thank you, that was clarifying.
...&& see that the name is NOT icon-36.....or 48....it's only "icon": because android chooses automatically the size corresponding to the phone where the app is running among the 6 basic sizes (in fact only 4 are useful because xxx or ldpi are not common)