Trying to run in emulator.

Trying to run in emulator I get the following error:

BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 2m 27s 35 actionable tasks: 35 executed

Emulator process exited with status -1073741819. EmulatorController: Emulator never booted. NOT_RUNNING Error while starting the emulator. (NOT_RUNNING)**

Shutting down any existing adb server... Done.

What to do? Thanks


  • @noel===

    • it s quite impossible to (try) to answer without more details (os, sdk, which emulator...)

    • try to launch yourself the emulator BEFORE installing your apk is the first thing to verify

  • Hi.

    I am using the embedded emulator in android mode (menu-sketch-run in emulator) on my windows 8.1 desktop. At least I think it is embedded because using any external emulator in the background doesn´t make any difference. Using the latest java and processing versions (I have reinstalled everything) I get the main error, "Lost connection with emulator while launching. Try again." and the console errors as given above.

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