Installation on Windows 8

edited November 2014 in Using Processing

I've been trying to install Processing on my Windows 8 machine, but it just does not seem to happen. Anybody facing or have faced a similar situation like this one ? Help is needed real badly.

Thanks a lot.



  • I'm using Windows 8.1 with no obvious problems. Downloaded the Zip file. Extracted it to a new folder. Double click on the processing application file and it works fine.

  • I just got Windows 8, no problems here. What do you mean when you say the installation does not seem to happen? Be more specific and provide the full text of any errors, and we might be able to help you.

  • Ive had the same problem on two windows 8 machines, i checked 64 bit windows, downloaded from the website, extracted to a folder, and clicked on the exe icon. Both computers slow down and the mouse gets choppy and the jar icon shows up on the toolbar but the ide is nowhere to be found. I moved the sketch folder which seems to be created in documents to places like appdata/roaming while setting processing to compatibility mode windows 7 which is where the folder on the wiki is said to be located. No luck. I renamed each file the libraries tools modes folders different names on different occasions and processing just repopulates a folder there. Im

  • Personally, I still stick to 32-bit version of Processing, works fine on 64-bit machines and has less problems, overall.

    General advice: avoid putting the Processing install folder in a path with spaces. Just in case. There was issues with Java programs in such path in the past. I always install them in C:\Java...

  • I'm trying to install the 32-bit version on Windows Vista and having a similar problem. The file downloads, I extract, click on the processing.exe file and get a rectangle showing the launch has started (with author names etc.) but then no IDE appears!


  • no luck at all

  • im trying to launch debug from command line now but it looks like i will never get to use processing...

  • i did 32 bit and the same problem: the computer starts getting really choppy and windows glitch up. i disabled smart screen for a bit to see if that was it... no luck. i extracted folder to C:\ directly and then did the C:\Java... could u be more specific about no spaces and if the file extension is C:\Java\processing.exe in order to work. thank you for helping us this seems like a big issue if processing doesnt even work on multiple windows computers

  • like outline window of the ide shows up for a split second then disappears, and whats left is the glowing java icon at the bottom toolbar i highlight it and its just a box with nothing in it... this is terribly frustrating

  • i've done every possibility it seems with opening processing, i did C:\processing.exe.... C:\Java\processing.exe.... C:\processing\processing.exe and more in 64 and 32 bit

  • oh yeah and multiply all that by the compatibility mode trials i did from xp to 7

  • i deleted the preference file in App\Roaming and didnt work, i modified the preferences to save sketchbook to App\Roaming instead of documents... when i look at the folders of the "sketchbook" location, they are blank... im restarting the computer because i cant move any files right now because my computer says they're being used by another program. I normally have to wait for 5 min as try to run processing and no success

  • ok so i went into app local data and deleted everything and restarted and no success. i have tried to start the debug through command line and nothing happens. I opened the processing-java.exe in command line that worked! I went to the issues forum and looked through conversations there regarding similar problems. i see .err and .out files in the appdata\roaming\processing folder so i guess there is a documented error there but i thought i would see one in the launch4j folder of the installer... nothing.... still can't open processing. i have no idea whether its a java issue or processing,... again i deleted the cache temp files for java to make sure its not java... i have the newest java installed and the one for the browser...

  • i have run as admin too for everything

  • i ran processing on a surface pro, a dell precision and touchscreen desktop all with windows 8 and those worked... so my desktop and xps touch are the ones having difficulty.

  • i put this in command prompt:

    .\java\bin\java -cp lib/pde.jar;core/library/core.jar;lib/jna.jar;lib/antlr.jar;lib/ant.jar;lib/ant-launcher.jar;lib/org-netbeans-swing-outline.jar;lib/;lib/jdi.jar;lib/jdimodel.jar;lib/org.eclipse.osgi_3.8.1.v20120830-144521.jar

    I got this from a conversation:

    anyways the same thing happened when i try to open processing. choppy mouse that nearly freezes and the java toolbar stuff but i was expecting something to show up on command prompt afterward... nothing.

    i cant even show debug anything... maybe a teamviewer session would help

  • oh ive redownloaded 64 and 32 bit multiple times to see if it was a build problem in the process of downloading

  • edited January 2014
    CmdLine:    C:\Users\TesseractOne\Desktop\processingNew\processing-2.1.1\processing.exe --l4j-debug
    WOW64:      yes
    Working dir:    C:\Users\TesseractOne\Desktop\processingNew\processing-2.1.1\.
    Bundled JRE:    java
    Check launcher: C:\Users\TesseractOne\Desktop\processingNew\processing-2.1.1\java\bin\javaw.exe (OK)
    Add classpath:  lib\pde.jar
    Add classpath:  core\library\core.jar
    Add classpath:  lib\jna.jar
    Add classpath:  lib\antlr.jar
    Add classpath:  lib\ant.jar
    Add classpath:  lib\ant-launcher.jar
    Add classpath:  lib\org-netbeans-swing-outline.jar
    Add classpath:  lib\
    Add classpath:  lib\jdi.jar
    Add classpath:  lib\jdimodel.jar
    Add classpath:  lib\org.eclipse.osgi_3.8.1.v20120830-144521.jar
    Launcher:   C:\Users\TesseractOne\Desktop\processingNew\processing-2.1.1\java\bin\javaw.exe
    Launcher args:  -classpath "lib;lib\pde.jar;core\library\core.jar;lib\jna.jar;lib\antlr.jar;lib\ant.jar;lib\ant-launcher.jar;lib\org-netbeans-swing-outline.jar;lib\;lib\jdi.jar;lib\jdimodel.jar;lib\org.eclipse.osgi_3.8.1.v20120830-144521.jar"
    Args length:    277/32768 chars
    Exit code:  259
  • i managed to get the debug to give me this

  • i deleted the appdata\roaming\processing file not just the preferences.txt and restarted (should i restart the computer when i do this?) i just restarted the program and the same old issue

  • Did you solve the problem because i have the same ?

  • Hi! I managed to make it work. My solution was to run Processing on Administrator mode (right click on the Procesing app icon and choose "run as Administrator" from the menu). As simple as that.

    Good luck!

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