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I have tried to install processing on my raspberry. The installation did not mention anything, but when I started processing I got an error:
/home/pi/processing-2.1/java/bin/java: 1: /home/pi/processing-2.1/java/bin/java: ELF04?: not found /home/pi/processing-2.1/java/bin/java: 2: /home/pi/processing-2.1/java/bin/java: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Can somebody tell me exactly how to install processing on my raspberry. I am good informed about linux, but it is not enough to the very depth! I know that I need arm drivers, but where I could get them ????
I would like to connect my raspberry with up till now three arduinos, who are controlling several things, like traffic lights, photo sensors and servo motors, on my model railway emplacement.