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I try to warp an image with an other image but I don't find the way to do it. The idea at the end it's use the a stable fluid to warp the image. Here a little example to show the problem : link sketch problem
link project in problem version
So any idea are very very welcome !
shader frag
ROPE - Romanesco processing environment –
* Copyleft (c) 2014-2017
* Stan le Punk > http://stanlepunk.xyz/
Shader to warp texture
Render fluid
v 0.0.2
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
varying vec4 vertTexCoord;
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform int mode;
uniform float roof_component_colour;
uniform sampler2D vel_texture;
uniform sampler2D dir_texture;
uniform vec2 grid_wh;
float map(float value, float start1, float stop1, float start2, float stop2) {
float result = start2 + (stop2 - start2) * ((value - start1) / (stop1 - start1));
return result;
vec2 cartesian_coord(float angle) {
float x = cos(angle);
float y = sin(angle);
return vec2(x,y);
void main() {
vec2 ratio = gl_FragCoord.xy / grid_wh;
// vec2 ratio = vertTexCoord.st / grid_wh;
vec4 vel = texture2D(vel_texture, ratio);
vec4 dir = texture2D(dir_texture, ratio);
// rendering picture ;
if(mode == 0 ) {
float angle_rad = map(dir.x, 0, roof_component_colour, -PI, PI);
vec2 dir_cart = cartesian_coord(angle_rad) ;
// float gap = max(grid_wh.x, grid_wh.y);
// vec2 translate_pix = dir_cart.xy *vel.x / gap;
vec2 translate_pix = dir_cart.xy *vel.x ;
vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st +translate_pix ;
vec4 tex_colour = texture2D(texture, coord_dest);
gl_FragColor = tex_colour;
// velocity
if(mode == 1 ) {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(vel_texture, vertTexCoord.st);;
// direction force field
if(mode == 2) {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(dir_texture, vertTexCoord.st);;
PImage tex_velocity, tex_direction ;
PShader warping;
PImage img ;
int grid_w, grid_h ;
void setup() {
img = loadImage("pirate_small.jpg");
grid_w = 60 ;
grid_h = 37 ;
tex_velocity = createImage(grid_w,grid_h,RGB);
tex_direction = createImage(grid_w,grid_h,RGB);
warping = loadShader("shader/warp/rope_warp_fluid.glsl");
noise_img(tex_velocity, 20, .1, .1); // max translate for the pixel
noise_img(tex_direction, 360, .1, .1); // degree direction
void draw() {
if(frameCount%60 == 0) {
noise_img(tex_velocity, 20, .1, .1); // max translate for the pixel
noise_img(tex_direction, 360, .1, .1); // degree direction
warping.set("mode", 0) ;
image(tex_direction,grid_w +15 ,5 );
float x_offset, y_offset ;
void noise_img(PImage dst, int max, float ratio_x, float ratio_y) {
for(int x = 0 ; x < dst.width ; x++) {
x_offset += ratio_x ;
for(int y = 0 ; y < dst.height ; y++) {
y_offset += ratio_y ;
float v = map(noise(x_offset,y_offset),0,1,0,max);
v = (int)map(v,0,max,0,g.colorModeX);
int c = color(v,v,v,g.colorModeA) ;
I think you looking for a photoshop like solution:
you can enable it in OpenGL (easy) eg. glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
or experiment with direct in the Fragment shader
according to to wiki: GL_FUNC_ADD: O = sS + dD
(it want work so easy as that ... depends if you have a png with alpha etc. )
I also mess up a bit with you code for my own education, this is my coding style maybe you find something usefull.
thx to go deep in my code, but what's happen exactly more than my own code???? It's like the same result than my work, just move all the picture. the goal is move each pixel with information of the texture, the first texture give the direction and the other give the distance. like this animation i do with a processor rendering, the idea is report this part on the GLSL to growth the framerate instagram_stanlepunk
plus I must modify the vert part from vec2 to Vec4 vTexCoord
here a most explicit picture to explain my purpose
In the code example given, i have replaced the algorithm stable fluid by a noise algorithm. but the idea is the same.
no difference. I cant solve you problem, I have no idea of fluids. This is also an topic you can spend lot of time.
I just want to introduce you modern Shader Programing :)
define PROCESSING_TEXTURE_SHADER //Processing 2.x
I did some research, OpenGL fluids - their are tones of exampels and found this looks useful at first sight https://github.com/prideout/fluidsim //he uses a 3D texture, nice
Tones of exampels https://github.com/diwi/PixelFlow
Nice instagram, Keep it coming!
@nabr the glsl is a new world for me, very mathematical one !!!! I've to understand the way of coding in pixel flow but it's very very complex the coding steps and to add in my own code. I'm going to look your other link with attention. My purpose is keep the stable fluid in Processing to keep the access to the grip position for the other stuff and just change the pixel position in the GLSL...
I hope find the algo to solve my problem.
i understand. Fluid Dynamics is pain in the ass : )
what is can suggest:
+ start with something simpel
+ reading texture from backbuffer
Maybe @T_D have some time :)
very intersting post, I hope I have time to work deep on it and back with new question !