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Hi, Just updated the Android Mode in Contribution Manager to 4.0. Each time I try to run a sketch in Android Mode Processing gives the error: Android Mode not compatible with this version of processing, try updating the mode (no option to update the mode). Tried in Processing 3.0 and same problem. Any help welcome.
Have you consider updating your Processing to the latest vers 3.3.6? Do you get the same error? Or I can suggest reverting to a stable order version. Check Pre-releases in http://android.processing.org/install.html
What OS are using btw?
Hi kfrajer. Many thanks. I'm using Mac OS X 10.11.5. I updated to the latest processing 3.3.6 and android mode still not compatible. I have now downloaded a pre-release mode version(3.0.1) AndroidMode-252.zip from the link you gave above. It had a problem with the Android SDK version so installed a new version(build tools 26). It is now possible to switch to Android mode but it has a problem compiling with gradle after this line: Downloading https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.0-bin.zip I will keep trying, maybe with the different versions of processing and AndroidMode!