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I suddenly encounter this problem. windows has been updated and now I can not compile for android .. any idea of what may be going on and how to fix it?
Not knowing what was updated, it' s difficult to answer (what os, what java version...); anyway the error message is about memory size asked for: more than 1G500; you can set that in the java options to a smaller value (1024 or less depending if you are using 32 or 64 bits) - yet, try before to close all other running processes...
i have 8G of ram. with 20% bussy.. i have 6 gigaByte left..
I don´t undestand.
I have formatted the PC and made a setup from cero, Processing 3.3.6 and Android mode, and it does not work, it gives the same error. Some help?
Did you try reading your loaded picture in dropbox? This is the reason why it is not encourage to post picture or screenshots of your code or console messages. Instead, copy and paste the msg/code in the forum. Read the how to format your post in the sticky post to properly format code.
To be able to help in your case, you need to provide basic info like OS, Android Mode version you are using and a MVCE (https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)
i am sure that your err message is about memory && that it comes from the jvm, nothing about sdk, path and things of this kind. You say that you have 6gb left, ok, but there are internal system limits for attributing it: so it is absolutely possible that you exceed these limits when asking 1.6 for a single process. BTW what is your java version??? - is it 32 or 64 bits?
I have re install Windows 10 X64. I activate it. Nvidia display drivers. Avast free antivirus. Java JDK 8u144 X64.
Now i download processing 3.3.6.. Add Android Mode 4.0 from Processing IDE.. and..
I'm going to try it again....
When i compile a blanc project in Android Mode apears this on console:
it´s normal??
ok now: try to install java 64 bits for w10
Hooo men... I LOVE YOU!!
I installed Java x64 manualli from: https://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
And now y download processing 3.3.6 x64 and...
WORKS FINE!!!!!!!!!!
Thank´s man. I love you ;)