Processing 2.x and 3.x Forum
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Why is in P3D > size(w,h,P3D) < doesnt working noSmooth ? :/ i have pixel art and i resize image 2x. and i have noSmooth(). because isnt working... pls help, thx..
You can do this by using low level opengl code, see here
ThanksSSSS very much :o :)
EDIT: i must write this code:((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).textureSampling(3); to the void setup :)
(is that example actually working for you? i can't get it to work here...
opengl stuff changed between P2 and P3 but i'm not sure this is affected by that)
((it DOES work, but the global FSAA settings in nouveau (linux open source driver) were screwing it up!!!))