OpenGL sketches very slow to start on Windows 10 - What is the workaround???

edited September 2017 in Using Processing

I have a new Windows 10 computer and installed Processing 3.3.6. When I run a sketch that uses the P2D or P3D renderer, it takes over a minute for the window to open and the sketch to begin. Switching to older versions doesn't help.

I investigated in Eclipse using the processing-core source code where the problem can be reproduced. I traced the problem to the PSurfaceJOGL class. The call to NewtFactory.setWindowIcons in initIcons and NewtFactory.createDisplay in initDisplay both take a long time.

After some googling I found that other users have experienced similar problem with the JOGL library. Also found this:

So this is a known issue. The library needs to use native dlls to work and that is part of the problem. I looked at some of the previous solutions I couldn't get any of them to work. Disabling anti-virus didn't help.

Can someone explain the proper workaround for this? I have the native DLLs but adding them to the jogl-all.jar's native libraries didn't help, nor did using -Djogamp.gluegen.UseTempJarCache=false or -Djava.library.path. What can I do to get this to work properly?



  • (the native libraries are included in processing distribution, in the core/library directory, jarred up into the gluegen and jogl-all files)

  • I am still experiencing this problem, although I discovered I can fix it by uninstalling my Symantec anti-virus. I'd rather not depend on Windows Defender though. Is there a better solution?

    I keep reading about workaround involving messing with the JOGL libraries but can't figure out what I am supposed to do. Can anyone provide specific and clear steps for what to do?

  • edited January 2018

    the rule of dumb is never place opensource under windows C:\Program Files :)

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