Processing 3.2.3 has highjacked my 2.2.1 version

I think that I need Processing 2.2.1 to use the SimpleOpenNI library and therefore need 2.2.1 I have retained an old version of 2.2.1 and downloaded the currently available version. When both these versions are started, they both start 3.2.3.


  • I got round this by navigating to the .pde I wanted and using Open With Processing 2.2.1

  • edited September 2017 Answer ✓
    • When Processing 3 runs for the 1st time, it asks which folder to use as its sketchbook location.
    • If you still value your Processing 2, it's of utmost importance to pick a different path for Processing 3!
    • Otherwise, Processing 3's 3rd-party libraries, modes, tools, examples are gonna overwrite Processing 2's!
    • Since Processing 2 PDE, only 1 version can be run at the same time.
    • Only exception is Processing 1, which can be run at the same time as 2 or 3. O:-)
  • Thanks, I had kept my Processing and Processing 3 files separate and don't need to run both at the same time.

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