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Say I got a particle system with 200 particles which are checking the distance between each particle to draw lines according to the distance etc.
Say I want to have the same particlesystem but instead of using 200 particles I want to use 2000 particles. That would give me a terrible framerate. Even if Im using P2D or P3D.
I have been looking a little bit into shaders and wounder if it would be an better option to do the calculation on the GPU?
Would it be possible to write a shader that are doing all the calculation on the GPU instead?
Yes! https://learnopengl.com/#!Advanced-OpenGL/Instancing
Good Luck :)
@Per this might work http://thebookofshaders.com/edit.php?log=170924094004
some more detail on this one. You can load an Array(positions, whatever) in a 1 2 or 3D Texture, and the manipulate it in a shader.
(Im not sure if this is the right link, just start to google if i can find something) http://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/content/gameworkslibrary/graphicssamples/opengl_samples/texturearrayterrainsample.htm