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I want to send it to another device to be used by my application.
By "device", do you mean that the Processing sketch will be running on an Android mobile device?
like @jeremydouglass i don't understand exactly what you want; yet getting the GPS location is very easy with 3 imports from android:
import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager;
Then what do you mean by "sending"??? - SMS? mail? wifi? Bluetooth?
Don't forget to enable the proper permission.
By "device", do you mean that the Processing sketch will be running on an Android mobile device?
like @jeremydouglass i don't understand exactly what you want; yet getting the GPS location is very easy with 3 imports from android:
Then what do you mean by "sending"??? - SMS? mail? wifi? Bluetooth?
Don't forget to enable the proper permission.