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GameLibZero By Luis lopez martinez.
Hello, I present this library as an engine for video games in procesing. Any feedback is welcome. Video Tutorials in Spanish available.
Hi @erkosone -- good luck with your project.
Have you considered publishing the video online on YouTube / Vimeo etc.?
You might also want to share the library code online on GitHub / BitBucket / SourceForge / etc.
Hello, I'm going to share the library in github but the video lasts for over an hour .. so for now on youtube I can not upload it. Although the following ones I will upload them to my youtube channel.
Consider just breaking your existing video up into multiple chunks -- Pt1, Pt2. Many people will not download a large wmv video file from an unknown source, but they will watch YouTube. Also, it looks like DropBox automatically generates a 15min preview when others follow that link, which may confuse people -- I had no idea that the video was over an hour long.
Second tutorial in spanish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV_OuAddrko&feature=youtu.be
@erkosone --
Looks good. Good job, and thank you for sharing it!
Se ve bien. Buen trabajo, y gracias por compartirlo!
Library available at first post of this thread. Enjoy ;)
Thanks for sharing your work, @erksone!
You might also want to share the library code online on GitHub ( or BitBucket / SourceForge / etc. ). This allows people to view your library, read the description, and browse the code instead of deciding whether to download a mysterious zip file from an untrusted source.
Check out the other Processing libraries on the Libraries page for many examples of libraries online -- some also have home pages, but a public repo is enough.
I finished integrating the JBox2D with the library, soon I post a video tutorial of how to program games with processing and physics using this library.
You can download from: https://github.com/LuislopezMartinez/GameLibZero
Updated to 2.0.1.
Was litle bug with mouse in Android version ;)
Updated to 2.0.5. Available for Windows & Android at: https://github.com/LuislopezMartinez/GameLibZero
New video tutorial:
Thanks for sharing, and congratulations on launching this online with a repository and a tutorial video! I'm sure that many people interested in making games with processing will love to check out what you have developed.
One suggestion -- you don't need to keep folders for 2.0.1, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.5 side-by-side in your github repo.
Instead, just update and commit the new version, replacing the old -- every old version is still there in your commits history:
Updated to 2.2.0 with scenes ;) download and tutoriales at init of this thread. Enjoy.
New video tutorial with physics control and animation of character at first post of thread.
Libreria actualizada a la 2.2.7.
Añadidos: - mouse.onRegion() - mouse.getBody()
A disfrutarla. En breve estara disponible la herramienta SZENER para los escenarios y un video tutorial sobre como usarla. Y posteriormente comenzare con los remakes y juegos de ejemplo. Un saludo.
Libreria actualizada a la 2.3.0
Añadidos: loadScene();
VideoTutorial que muestra como crear un escenario con zonas colisionables.
Updated! Download: https://github.com/LuislopezMartinez/GameLibZero
the news: Library for Game development in Processing. Based on Div Games Studio Concept.
2.2.5: ADD: scene sistem.
2.2.6: BUG SOLVED from sprite shape coords in maximized window.
2.2.7 ADD: mouse.onRegion() for check is mouse on screen region & mouse.getBody() yo get fist body collision directly from mouse instance.
2.3.0 ADD: loadScene() for load scenes with collide zones defined. ENJOY!
2.3.1 ADD: desktopProjectSoftware!!!! a JAVA2D Render version of this library for old machines compatibility. ;)
**v2.4.0 march - 2018.
added ExitHandler with onExit() function. added father id for control father sprite of sprite with simple system. added Xmirroring and Ymirroring sprite properties. added cliping for sprites with Region(), simple systen for asign region of screen to viewport of sprite. screenDrawGraphic() now with region capability. added keyboard object for simplest keyboard input. added soundFade() function for fading sounds..**
Updated to 2.4.3! Enjoy it!
Please note that we have a ne forum
And you should share it on Reddit as well: https://reddit.com/r/processing
@erkosone -- you should definitely post to the new forum, in the Gallery category.