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I am trying out a simple target practice game (click on a rectangle) using the cursor and mouse button. If the mouse is within the borders of the rectangle, it will turn green and if there is a mouseclick, you receive a point and an explosion occurs AND the rectangle disappears. The rectangle moves randomly around the screen every 5 seconds.
Two problems so far:
1) I cannot for the life of me get the explosion to be timed. I tried and tried and even though I managed to get the rectangle appearance at 5 seconds, getting the explosion to be time delayed escapes me. I commented out the code at the location I tried it, but unfortunately, me time delay doesn't work.
2) The rectangle appears every 5 seconds. If there is an explosion, the rectangle disappears and a new one appears in a random location. BUT it seems to interfere with the 5 second delay (continually running) which causes flashing. For example, if at 4 seconds, you hit the target, it will disappear. A new one will appear - but only for 1 seconds because the timer is still counting 5 seconds! It flashes and a new one will appear.
Ok, here is what I have so far:
def setup():
global score, x, y, img, count
size(400, 400)
background(255) # white
x=random(10, 360)
y=random(10, 360)
def draw():
background(255) # white
text("SCORE :", 10, 390) # this is a label for the count
text(score, 150, 390) # this is the actual variable for the count
def laser():
ellipse(200,360, x, y)
def time_delay():
global count, timer, x, y
if count<10:
if millis() > timer + 5000:
x=random(10, 360)
y=random(10, 360)
def random_placement():
if (mouseX >x) and (mouseX < x+5) and (mouseY > y) and (mouseY < y+5):
def mouseClicked():
def keepscore():
global score, x, y, count, timer
if (mouseX >x) and (mouseX < x+5) and (mouseY > y) and (mouseY < y+5):
#if count<10:
# count=count+1
# timer=millis()
# explosion()
# if millis() > timer + 2000:
# count=0
def explosion():
global x, y
x=random(10, 360)
y=random(10, 360)
Here is a concept for any timed event -- you can make one timer, ten, or 10,000 timers with this approach.
The time is currently 5217 milliseconds since the program started. An event (like a hit) happened I need to do something 1 second (1000 milliseconds) later.
For my delayed event I set a future event time by recording the future "do it!" time in a variable:
Ok, now I know that at 6217 milliseconds (5217+1000), something should happen.
Now, to make the event happen. Every frame I can check my timer by checking if it is set (!=0) and checking if the time has passed (>millis()). If the timer is set and has passed, I clear the timer and do the thing.
A draw frame loads, the if is checked, and the time is 6779. That's more than the timer of 6217. I set the timer to 0 and do something. Next frame the timer is 0, so it will not check.
Ok I am trying to follow what you are saying. I am going to include your work in my code, but it is still not working so obviously I am not understanding it.
Here is a simple test code that I was working on with help from a friend. It seems to work :
So from what I understand, the WAITING period (during the count=count+1 is where I want the explosion to happen, correct? Ok so this works for me because it draws out the ellipse every 2 seconds. After completing this, I wanted to incorporate your code/explanation into the same idea above, but unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work. I tried all different ways, shapes and forms, but I can't get this to work with your code. Here is what I tried after many failed attempts (using your explanation as I understood it):
You have commented out "# do something ????? draw the ellipse?" -- what are you trying to do?
I was echoing back what you were saying - in this case, I want the ellipse to be drawn every 3 seconds, as in the last post, but in the target game, I want the explosion to last 1 second. I was just using the recent code as an example.
You don't want an ellipse drawing to flash on the screen every 3 seconds. You want an ellipse-shaped object to appear every 3 seconds and stay present, yes?
If so your event is the creation of an object, not a drawing command.
Well in the prior code, I had the ellipse drawn and then moved over 50 and then drawn again. I just didn't get that far with your code because I couldn't figure it out. Again this was just an example, in my target game, I wanted the explosion to last 1-2 seconds and I am not at the stage of OOP yet.
Ok, I realised how this might be confusing. I think I was mixing up the difference between time delay FOR 2 seconds and something happening AFTER a time delay of 2 seconds.
Here is the new code for the simple target game. I cannot get the explosion to last 1 second and I am well aware that my code is brute force and not elegant by any means. I changed the frame rate to slow down for the explosion because I am still lost on the time delay stuff. Also, there is a lot of print stuff to the console because I needed to see what was happening with the x and y coordinates etc. There a lot of a fixes I am sure, but right now I am just trying to get:
You can build a duration timer with a timer and a switch. Turn on the switch, and turn it off after the timer expires.
Or, for a timed duration in the future, use a start and stop timer to turn the switch on and off.