I want to import two SVG files and morph one into the other

I'm starting to mess with this but my first question is what points are returned by PShape getVertex? Is there a way to generate more points along the paths of an SVG shape?

Does it even make sense to try and preserve the paths that connect points in the shapes or should I just connect all the dots linearly?

Thanks for any help on this, I'm still fairly new to this stuff so I'm trying to wrap my head around it.


  • Iirc, getvertex doesn't return vertices from loaded svg files, it's for the other kind of PShape, the one where you manually call vertex.

  • It does get the vertices of a loaded SVG, and those vertices include control points.

  • edited August 2017

    Not sure I understand the problem that you are trying to solve, but you might be interested in the ArcLengthParameterization demo sketch in Examples > Topics > Curves -- a bit involved, and not SVG related, but it is about curve interpolation.

  • @macrael

    Did you achieve any progress here?

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