Leap Motion & Processing

edited August 2017 in Kinect

I'm new to processing, and I've been struggling with removing the text when I deploy the sketch (I tried commenting out all the print lines but I don't think that's correct). The sketch works beautifully, I'm simply trying to remove the text and modify the hand design... I will be using this with wekinator.

I tired commenting out all portions of the code such as (println("Sent finger names" + n). I've also tried removing text in the skech- but the text still appears when I deploy the sketch. Perhaps there is something I'm not quite getting. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Also the formatting of the markdown in this post is buggy, so here is the githubpage I am referencing: https://github.com/fiebrink1/wekinator_examples/blob/master/inputs/LeapMotion/LeapMotionViaProcessing/LeapMotion_Fingertips_15Inputs/LeapMotion_Fingertips_15Inputs.pde

` //adapted from https://github.com/nok/leap-motion-processing/blob/master/examples/e1_basic/e1_basic.pde //Sends 15 features ((x,y,z) tip of each finger) to Wekinator // sends to port 6448 using /wek/inputs message

import de.voidplus.leapmotion.*;

import oscP5.*; import netP5.*;

int num=0; OscP5 oscP5; NetAddress dest; LeapMotion leap; int numFound = 0;

float[] features = new float[15];

void setup() { size(800, 500, OPENGL); background(200, 231, 255 ); // ...

/* start oscP5, listening for incoming messages at port 12000 */ oscP5 = new OscP5(this,9000); dest = new NetAddress("",6448);

leap = new LeapMotion(this); sendInputNames(); }

void draw() { background(200, 231, 255); // ... int fps = leap.getFrameRate();

// ========= HANDS ========= numFound = 0; for (Hand hand : leap.getHands ()) { numFound++; // ----- BASICS -----

//int     hand_id          = hand.getId();
//PVector hand_position    = hand.getPosition();
//PVector hand_stabilized  = hand.getStabilizedPosition();
//PVector hand_direction   = hand.getDirection();
//PVector hand_dynamics    = hand.getDynamics();
//float   hand_roll        = hand.getRoll();
//float   hand_pitch       = hand.getPitch();
//float   hand_yaw         = hand.getYaw();
//boolean hand_is_left     = hand.isLeft();
//boolean hand_is_right    = hand.isRight();
//float   hand_grab        = hand.getGrabStrength();
//float   hand_pinch       = hand.getPinchStrength();
//float   hand_time        = hand.getTimeVisible();
//PVector sphere_position  = hand.getSpherePosition();
//float   sphere_radius    = hand.getSphereRadius();

// ----- SPECIFIC FINGER -----

//Finger  finger_thumb     = hand.getThumb();
//// or                      hand.getFinger("thumb");
//// or                      hand.getFinger(0);

//Finger  finger_index     = hand.getIndexFinger();
//// or                      hand.getFinger("index");
//// or                      hand.getFinger(1);

//Finger  finger_middle    = hand.getMiddleFinger();
//// or                      hand.getFinger("middle");
//// or                      hand.getFinger(2);

//Finger  finger_ring      = hand.getRingFinger();
//// or                      hand.getFinger("ring");
//// or                      hand.getFinger(3);

//Finger  finger_pink      = hand.getPinkyFinger();
//// or                      hand.getFinger("pinky");
//// or                      hand.getFinger(4);        

// ----- DRAWING -----

// hand.drawSphere();

// ========= ARM =========

if (hand.hasArm()) {
  Arm     arm               = hand.getArm();
  float   arm_width         = arm.getWidth();
  PVector arm_wrist_pos     = arm.getWristPosition();
  PVector arm_elbow_pos     = arm.getElbowPosition();

// ========= FINGERS =========

for (Finger finger : hand.getFingers()) {
  // Alternatives:
  // hand.getOutstrechtedFingers();
  // hand.getOutstrechtedFingersByAngle();

  // ----- BASICS -----

  int     finger_id         = finger.getId();
  PVector finger_position   = finger.getPosition();
  PVector finger_stabilized = finger.getStabilizedPosition();
  PVector finger_velocity   = finger.getVelocity();
  PVector finger_direction  = finger.getDirection();
  float   finger_time       = finger.getTimeVisible();

  // ----- SPECIFIC FINGER -----

  switch(finger.getType()) {
  case 0:
    // System.out.println("thumb");
    PVector pos = finger.getPosition();
    features[0] = pos.x;
    features[1] = pos.y;
    features[2] = pos.z;

  case 1:
    // System.out.println("index");
            pos = finger.getPosition();
    features[3] = pos.x;
    features[4] = pos.y;
    features[5] = pos.z;
  case 2:
    // System.out.println("middle");
            pos = finger.getPosition();
    features[6] = pos.x;
    features[7] = pos.y;
    features[8] = pos.z;
  case 3:
    // System.out.println("ring");
     pos = finger.getPosition();
    features[9] = pos.x;
    features[10] = pos.y;
    features[11] = pos.z;
  case 4:
    // System.out.println("pinky");
     pos = finger.getPosition();
    features[12] = pos.x;
    features[13] = pos.y;
    features[14] = pos.z;

  // ----- SPECIFIC BONE -----

  Bone    bone_distal       = finger.getDistalBone();
  // or                       finger.get("distal");
  // or                       finger.getBone(0);

  Bone    bone_intermediate = finger.getIntermediateBone();
  // or                       finger.get("intermediate");
  // or                       finger.getBone(1);

  Bone    bone_proximal     = finger.getProximalBone();
  // or                       finger.get("proximal");
  // or                       finger.getBone(2);

  Bone    bone_metacarpal   = finger.getMetacarpalBone();
  // or                       finger.get("metacarpal");
  // or                       finger.getBone(3);

  // ----- DRAWING -----

  // finger.draw(); // = drawLines()+drawJoints()
  // finger.drawLines();
  // finger.drawJoints();

  // ----- TOUCH EMULATION -----

  int     touch_zone        = finger.getTouchZone();
  float   touch_distance    = finger.getTouchDistance();

  switch(touch_zone) {
  case -1: // None
  case 0: // Hovering
    // println("Hovering (#"+finger_id+"): "+touch_distance);
  case 1: // Touching
    // println("Touching (#"+finger_id+")");

// ========= TOOLS =========

for (Tool tool : hand.getTools ()) {

  // ----- BASICS -----

  int     tool_id           = tool.getId();
  PVector tool_position     = tool.getPosition();
  PVector tool_stabilized   = tool.getStabilizedPosition();
  PVector tool_velocity     = tool.getVelocity();
  PVector tool_direction    = tool.getDirection();
  float   tool_time         = tool.getTimeVisible();

  // ----- DRAWING -----

  // tool.draw();

  // ----- TOUCH EMULATION -----

  int     touch_zone        = tool.getTouchZone();
  float   touch_distance    = tool.getTouchDistance();

  switch(touch_zone) {
  case -1: // None
  case 0: // Hovering
    // println("Hovering (#"+tool_id+"): "+touch_distance);
  case 1: // Touching
    // println("Touching (#"+tool_id+")");


// ========= DEVICES =========

for (Device device : leap.getDevices ()) { float device_horizontal_view_angle = device.getHorizontalViewAngle(); float device_verical_view_angle = device.getVerticalViewAngle(); float device_range = device.getRange(); }

// =========== OSC ============ if (num % 3 == 0) { sendOsc(); } num++; }

// ========= CALLBACKS =========

void leapOnInit() { // println("Leap Motion Init"); } void leapOnConnect() { // println("Leap Motion Connect"); } void leapOnFrame() { // println("Leap Motion Frame"); } void leapOnDisconnect() { // println("Leap Motion Disconnect"); } void leapOnExit() { // println("Leap Motion Exit"); }

//====== OSC SEND ====== void sendOsc() { OscMessage msg = new OscMessage("/wek/inputs"); if (numFound > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { msg.add(features[i]); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { msg.add(0.); } } oscP5.send(msg, dest); }

void sendInputNames() { OscMessage msg = new OscMessage("/wekinator/control/setInputNames"); String[] fingerNames = {"smile", "index", "middle", "ring", "pinky"}; String coordinates[] = {"_x", "_y", "_z"}; int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fingerNames.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j< coordinates.length; j++) { msg.add(fingerNames[i] + coordinates[j]); n++; } } oscP5.send(msg, dest); println("Sent finger names" + n); }`


  • Please edit your post (gear icon in the top right corner of your post), select your code and hit ctrl+o to format it. Make sure there is an empty line above and below your code.


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